
So you are OK with having an Abortion from someone who isn’t an OBGYN?

My reality is being married to an OBGYN. I got the pleasure of hearing about OB complications at every dinner party. You may think the chance of something going wrong is worth ignoring, but the woman who dies from those complications will probably disagree with you. At no point did I comment on the good or bad of

What happens when they fubarb the procedure and the patient is hemorrhaging blood and they aren’t equipped to handle it?

Its exactly the same hardware. The only difference is the Apple logo.

I like the movies, so who cares? Realistic they are not. Definitely better to keep as much politics out of it as you can. Greenzone was a terrible movie.

I don’t see it. This is the year of the social media president. Bloomberg doesn’t have it. Trump has it in spades. Obama pioneered it and used it in ways that no one knew it could be done. Sanders, despite his age, is really resonating and seems to have figured out the whole media thing much better. The SNL stuff

To be fair, the Bourne movies don’t follow the books in any way. They are completely new movies and new stories that re-generate or reboot the character from the beginning. I read the Bourne Identity and was like, WTF this isn’t even a little bit like the movie.

No one needs a Pious Prius.

One could argue that Safety costs money, and that requiring safety as we do in rich countries would price transportation out of range of citizens in poorer countries. Having any car is better than no car at all, even if it would not survive an impact with a giant American SUV.

Granted America has been officially on the Metric system since the Ford Administration in 1975, I have yet to actually see a Celsius only thermostat in use in the Country. Does this bother anyone else as completely inaccurate?

For a guy who is so football smart, he is completely stupid everything else. This was a guy who was kicked out of University of Florida for stealing a laptop computer. There is no way a booster wouldn’t have snuck him one if he has just asked. Stupid Stupid Stupid. Just think, the hand picked successor to Tebow played

The BMW water pump is so easy to do. Just get a Stewart Warner and never worry about it again.

Hybrids suck.

Everyone is miserable on a plane. That’s the reality.

Is it just me, or did Honda whip out their gold plated ugly stick and beat the pretty out of the new Civic?

So funny how he never plays the songs the same pace as the album. Glen always sounds better live.

I know right? I didn’t even know you could get a car these days with a full size spare!

We are rapidly moving towards a world where on demand TV is the only TV that will be offered. Scheduled TV viewing is plummeting for anything other than live events. When we look at all the online channels we see that most if not all the networks are quickly building online and direct streaming versions of their

NASCAR is a joke.

Every shop that sees a BMW roll in.