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I’d actually like to Kristen’s actual thoughts here.

“protein leather, mushroom leather, jellyfish material”

Japanese haven’t figured out how to eat it.

What a shitpost. Companies are finally acknowledging they don’t need to kill millions of animals to sell a vehicle, they should be getting all the support. Leather is a garbage material as it is, so they should be applauded for using better materials regardless.

There’s no reason to avoid promoting our vegan awesomeness, but I agree you don’t have to be annoying.


I know folks have asked before, but is there anyway you could do a quick article letting us know what some of these guys bought? Even a quick ‘Summary Article’ with like 10 people in it would super fun I think. “Tim with the 20k/3 Dogs Bought a Miata because he hated two of the dogs” or “Bernice with the 9 kids

As a vegan myself, I never try to promote it with other people, because I have a desperate need to be liked and no one likes a preachy vegan. Plus, veganism is an extreme, and I don’t expect people to jump to an extreme. I endorse this “reductionarian” or whatever movement though. Reducing meat consumption from

VR isn’t failing because of bad marketing or companies handling it wrong. Its failing because the tech isn’t there yet. People expect something too advanced. Current technology can’t do VR justice because it only tackles sight and sound, power requirements force players to remain stationary, and there is no tactile

I think having a *blank* physical button on a smart phone could actually be the next great feature. Samsung may have backed into an good idea. I would love to have an extra physical button to map to assistant on quick press, Flashlight on long press, and camera on double press.

I kinda feel like we should already be able to do this. Am I mistaken in thinking that image sensors are capable of filming the same resolution no matter the orientation? Is it a letter s issue? Either way o feel like resolution is high enough on modern phones to film landscape even of the phone is being held

The transmission consists of an horizontal input shaft with a bevel gear meshing with two output bevel gears at the bottom of the rotor shafts, slightly canted. Only way theyll get out of sync is if you strip or jump gear teeth.

so i full-on agree with you, i’m a trained science journalist and treat that stephen colbert clip as gospel. I virtually always put the line “this is a single study, so we need to be cautious about its results” in my stories, but there’s something you’re missing here. News stories need a reason to be told. 

I work for Kaman and these have started to roll out of production in Connecticut (they start down in Florida) one the last couple of months. The customers are all commercial, with loggers, forestry services, and construction. The Marines/Army would love to buy the unmanned version that was trailed in Afghanistan for

Seeing the rotors in action, the ‘hundred hand slap’ jumped immediately to mind...

Actually I just googled it (hoodafigerred...?)

They apply cyclic to the rotor assemblies themselves, effectively turning the ends of the helicopter in different directions. On a tandem ‘copter, the rotors would cyclic to opposite sides. I’m guessing on this Kaman, one tilts forward while the other tilts backwards. Cool.

That’s on you, dogface. Next time get born into a privileged family, marry the daughter of a grifting megalomaniac billionaire, and get put in charge of a military operation!

I hate that front end.
Why not put the 2017 Model S front fascia instead?

Buzzword Bingo? Or word vomit?

yeah, I work in a bee lab. There is a lot of lit on this and it is pretty much the only explanation that holds up to scrutiny.

I've followed the advice of so many articles like this that my resume is now just a blank sheet of paper with my name at the top.