
While logical, the industry would never support jumbo safety & rescue instructions. Including consumers—I know enough people that hate the airbag warnings on sun visors.

While a useful feature, judging from what we see here, the look-and-feel looks like a throwback to the early days of Android. I wonder if it still feels like material design.

For an article about Hackintoshes, why did you choose to include photos of Apple hardware?

Which would be an excellent model name for this product. And we could pronounce it “Yumvee.”

Maybe I’ve unknowingly crossed over into red state libertarian bizzarro economics world.

If that were the case, logos would not be involved.

I’m 2/3 as well, and a 4K TV would make make it a slam dunk. At which point I would very quickly become a poor.

It’s a smart move on their part. Stumbling early with the XBone could have been the best thing that happened to them recently.

Starred, same boat. My world is upside down. Not sure how to prioritize my wish list. Switch? 4K TV? PS4 Pro? X1X? Lottery tickets?

Do you know that (the side mirror aiming thing) works? Tips as to pull this off would be nice too. I have tried on occasion to figure this out, but aiming seems impossible.

Because married.

Sigh, I wish Ski Safari took its business as seriously as the Alto’s Adventures people does, because I think the two games share a very divided spectrum of players—a bit like pinball people vs. video game people, Nintendo Ice Hockey people vs. Blades of Steel people, etc.

Making an argument ≠ fighting is a better statement.

Arguing ≠ fighting. We have different perspectives. Sounds like you’ve worked in more PC environments than I have. My original statement was that media production companies might deploy one of these and decide they like it, as compared to PCs, MPs, nMPs, weaker iMacs, or waiting for the nnMP. Grant me that extremely

Dunno exactly what I’m supposed to argue. I have no context for what a big media production company deploys to its rank and file. This would be a good one while they wait for the nnMP so they can do modular builds.

I look forward to seeing some current Mac Pros sold as cheap refurbs, as I would like a 6-monitor set up.

You sort of answered your own question.

That’s a great principle but has zero basis in reality. Look around on your next drive. On some roads, easily a quarter of the people I see driving are looking at their phones. A lot of these people know better and can’t help it. Age has nothing to do with it.

That may change. See how they updated Apple TV with Amazon Video today? So wait about ten years and you should be fine!

Any agency that wants to be flush with easy cash.