
Media production companies who want to do less IT. I imagine many will buy one, and then decide that it’s worth it to get everybody one.


If weight or water consumption is an issue, though, they’d be better off with a plant-based diet during the journey. If they mined a H20 rich asteroid on the way it might be more feasible.

Again, for the record, I’m happily wrong about this first comment.

Glad to hear it (though not sure what synthetic means). I really had no idea.

Happily surprised by meat eaters who would go for this.

I’m honestly not against the idea, and short of eating meat again, I would support it, as it will get people to think about meat alternatives. 

Cultured meat seems like it could be the rare market experiment that succeeds in turning off every type of potential customer.

I had a similar experience this spring visiting Paris. It made everyday walking around more interesting. In Provence I even got to drive a friend’s exotic: a Forester diesel manual. Look at me!

I hope this hand model has a fallback profession. By the looks of it, they are a guitarist. I wish him/her better luck with that.

I hope this hand model has a fallback profession. By the looks of it, they are a guitarist. I wish him/her better

ignore my other reply

ignore my other reply

I’ll add to the chorus: why didn’t it work out?

I’ll add to the chorus: why didn’t it work out?

While we’re at it let’s add a graphic novel reading lounge where people donate their old ones.

Might as well go on record to say that I aim to buy a ‘18 Forester XJ and want everything BUT leather. They can’t do that at the factory. Anyone wanting an “upgrade” and has tools get in touch.

Since I can’t edit my original comment, I want you and every one else to know I am not saying you need to promote veganism, but I’m saying you shouldn’t have to restrain your opinions.

Way to be—it will be nice when we can all do away with labels.

Ah you agree with the OP that he/she should STFU about being vegan. I don’t, but whatever. Doesn’t seem like a great way to live to me.

My point was you don’t have to be annoying. You are talking about annoying vegans. You beat me to it, but I am usually the first to admit they exist.

There’s no reason to avoid promoting our vegan awesomeness, but I agree you don’t have to be annoying.

Difficult to practice while married.