ignore my other reply
ignore my other reply
ignore my other reply
ignore my other reply
I’ll add to the chorus: why didn’t it work out?
I’ll add to the chorus: why didn’t it work out?
While we’re at it let’s add a graphic novel reading lounge where people donate their old ones.
Might as well go on record to say that I aim to buy a ‘18 Forester XJ and want everything BUT leather. They can’t do that at the factory. Anyone wanting an “upgrade” and has tools get in touch.
Difficult to practice while married.
Please ignore my poorly written reply, that may have come off as rude. Late night commenting with an onscreen keyboard strikes again. Didn’t need to happen, especially as you had good points.
Disagree. I think better tech would solve the problem that there is not true demand for VR in the way that TV, Mobile/Tablet or computers are able to sustain without much effort. We just don’t need it, and it doesn’t conveniently fit into out lives. Obviously this is arguable, but remember that I’m comparing to other…
It’s a damn shame really, and I’d say it says more about the industry than the tech.
Not an aero but I’d have to imagine that the synchro is handled by a mechanical linkage or something equivalent. I can’t see a scenario where you’d want to drive power to one rotor and not the other.
If other scenarios have played out for you like they have here, it’s because things got confrontational instead of conversational.
We tried at least. Colleges should seriously stop introducing folks to the basics of logic, as it gives people just enough rope to hang themselves with. Unfortunately they are doing it in public.
Not caring about what’s being argued and using copy and paste fallacy citation is not a good combo. Treading into troll behavior.
Fan of “Crimes Against Logic”?
Adam you have some typos here.
Give Not A Hero a try. It has a satisfying ramp up to moderate challenge. Free on PS Plus this month, otherwise on Steam.
I’m very n00by with BF1 meta, this logic seems so backwards to me.
Sorry for your loss.
2nd hand internet hearsay: Child safety, glass can shard in a drop. But I’m sure cost of goods was a motivator.
Is there anything stopping Nintendo from publishing games to PlayStation or XBox platforms now?
I generally agree with you for the most part on most of your points. It’s better that Nintendo exist, they are contributing more to the ecosystem than they take out. But when they piss in the drinking water supply it still irks me.