
I bought this for my workplace and have probably played 20 minutes total. These fixes would have kept me working to enjoy the good parts of the game:

Love this mouse.

Love this mouse.

I see Sony being able to pull rotation + split motion controllers off. They patented controller that can split before the PS4 generation and I still have high hopes that weren’t just patent trolling.

It would be nice if someone developed games that were tolerant of lag. Turn by turn games possibly. But even the UI would lag. I am trying to think if such a thing would ever be tolerable.

“Please remember, patience is the easiest act of kindness.”

This one does. It turns it from middling hot to very hot. It’s connected to the water heater, which is out of view in this shot.

TL;WRL (Will read later). Instapapered with enthusiasm. Glad to see a positive gaming hardware headline.

While I like the new remote, I have gotten used to absentmindedly futzing with the previous remote while watching. On this version that means I am suddenly scrubbing the media to and fro. I’d love a click-to-wake function for living room acrobatics.

It’s very easy to say that you’d pay more for a better version of something that you have and use frequently. It’s much harder to say that other people would pay ~$200 more for something they are already not buying in sufficient volumes. Especially after the organization you’d have to convince has a clear comfort

Does this work in an oven?

We disagree.

Your term is good too. The definition makes sense, but do others agree? I think that’s why we see so many responses to the headline. Thus, let’s use either a new term or a new qualifier.

In which case it’s not pixel art, which is about economy. Needs a new term then. Pixel pointillism?

Not sure if we have the same definition of terrible. Repeated success is the definition of a good career, not a punishment.

How about just more Katamari games? Do you hate money?

Nice... makes sense.

Critical praise mainly, nothing I’ve read from Miller in particular. But that never stopped him from changing it up before. It is just him know instead of Byron Kennedy, that might change the equation.

Unexplained was a poor choice of word. Just handled better. Handled better in the way that fallout water was handled in Thunderdome. Mel waves some device at the seller’s wares, device squelches, both of them laugh confrontationally and part ways. Boom, context woven, drop the mic.

Yeah, reminded me of Thunderbolt from Wolverine. Increased strength, endurance, feel no pain. Die in an hour.

...and now I have a halloween costume idea.