
Just want to hijack this main comment thread with a generally upbeat comment so people can TL;DR.

I think you mean it is more efficient. I hear you though.

The professional crowd is populated with maybe 50% people who are so tired of all the hassles and hidden time/productivity/headspace wasters of flying, and 50% people who are on their way to arriving at that conclusion.

Numpad would have me salivating.

It would be nice if someone developed games that were tolerant of lag. Turn by turn games possibly. But even the UI would lag. I am trying to think if such a thing would ever be tolerable.

I think making the best phone possible is an idea. I’ll give you that this isn’t perfect. Improving the screen (both display and 3D touch) would have made this more defensible. A chunkier phone would have actually bridged the gap between the 4S and 5S lovers among us, and would keep the protruding camera haters happy.

waterfi has some fitbits sealed for consistent immersion waterproofing. I have their waterproofed kindle paperwhite.

Sepia tone videos are going to have their day!

Needs way better stitching.

Deers hitting cars as well. WI resident.

“Please remember, patience is the easiest act of kindness.”

Theta m15 = the m is for meh. Want to buy my old one?
Theta S = the S is for super. Wouldn’t part with it for a million dollars.

As a 360° camera user (Theta S), I think one that doesn’t show my stupid face may actually be an advantage.

It’s not a single choice though. It lots of little choices plus intestinal flora + genetics + behavior psychology + culture + food & fitness availability.

You’ve put a lot of thought into this. But I’ll just going to say it, that essentially 0% of people try to be overweight for that sort of reason. That’s basically like a boxer cutting off body parts to get into a lower weight class. Has it happened? Maybe. Does it happen? Not really.

No no, just buy a fat suit just for flying. It can also serve as additional storage.

Aaaaaaand that’s it for VR then.

Specifically me! My birthday was January 30th but I’ll take a late gift if it slipped your mind.

Andrew, I’m curious where you’re seeing people ask for automatic mode switching, vs. I want to tell this this thing that I’m doing a specific activity. Are people actively discussing that desire?

I definitely can’t go stand to switching modes manually, or forgetting to. I’ll be checking this out for sure.

Finally, someone has visualized someone using flexible electronics in a way that makes it seem more than just a “because we can” argument.