
...and now I have a halloween costume idea.

Watch them immediately. Make fun of them, get it out of your system. Then watch them all again, twice.

Thunderdome is a great ride, go for it.

Yeah spin her off. I wouldn’t have minded if Max got croaked and she took the mantle.

Glad you loved it. Perhaps my issue is that I can’t fall out of love with Road Warrior. Old dogs.

Makes sense, had a feeling. Thought it might have some enhancement or would kill you after an enhance. Bothered me trying to figure out stuff like this this during watching. Maybe it was a fun puzzle for others.

Here’s hoping.

Not really disagreeing with the spirit of your points.

All rock and no roll.

Are there examples of agile development working in the game industry? Successful examples, not ones that devolve into waterfall and crunch.

Unfortunately this doesn’t really change the logistics dynamic of trucks moving relatively small loads back and forth, instead of a modern logistics infrastructure that involves smart use of rail freight.

Before I look this up, I suspect it is some combination of chocolate and marzipan.

First time I starred an actual post.

Now playing

I’ve been using Keymonk because I like swype/swiftkey but couldn’t stop my second thumb from trying to join in the fun.

Bottom bulge will be a problem for wall warts. Bulge should have been at the top?

So is this pretty close to how mobiles apps work?

A shorter folded screen should equal a wider unfolded screen.


My fave: Ollalaberries

Me too. Had to google this for some folks a few weeks to prove I wasn't crazy. I should get some for work.