
Swordfight is a wrong link.

All you anti-vertical video people, the post has a good example of how it actually can kind of work, and the bad example we all hate.

Remind me to never rely on you for tech history or market analysis when you've been drinking.

One extra OS to back up, buying stuff for it.

Easy, killer. My mom uses an iPad.

What is this chair?

AA batteries in the ecosystem in whatever way is a sign of a crumbling institution in 2014. As to personal logistics... I usually buy all accessories, esp. motion gaming, and with Nintendo that's a serious investment in a fragmented ecosystem.

We made the right choice. Subaru needs to improve the Crosstrek, give it a little WRX power and tailor to the market a little more.

Maybe with an update it would be worth more of a comparison. Its really just a lifted impreza. I tested one before getting the impreza, it would be a more compelling contender with more power.

1st party or white label or GTFO.

I don't buy anything with cylindrical batteries. At least XBox has an accessory (though the batteries may be a shrink wrapped cylinder series, not my fav).

Market the Wii U to friend groups. A bit like a neighborhood ten person-bicycle. No sense at in everyone having one.

That's a depressing way to run a new product development effort.

Waited until last week, got one. Like it. Areas that I expected to complain about are tolerable.

Give the pen a garage already. How many updates do we need to see before they actually design this thing properly?

I think you're asking for a dock, which they do have (you be the judge of its value/convenience).

No such thing as magic, but you can make smart decisions that make things much easier and natural. Microsoft seemed to avoid that sort of move when they tackled scaling.

Yep, plug-and-play the secret awesome sauce to these, along with price and quality. I much prefer lunging off my couch to switch the dongle from PS3 to PS4 or vice versa, rather than muss with cables or bluetooth pairings.

This plus Netflix. Even a raucous game going on in background is probably mildly annoying. Hails of gunfire and predictable dialogue is easy to tune out, but narrative going on in the background is intolerable.

Must be because of all the bacteria that build their own cities on the planar surfaces?