
I think there's plenty of room for third-person experiences. Think of it like it's a really big high quality 3D TV with motion tracking. You don't need to be a tetromino falling in the Tetris grid–that sounds vertiginous and sickening.

You're probably right, but there is a glow about the project that will make even abject failure be lauded as a nominal success.

The calculus to which you are referring would be acceptable for an initial version of a web app or a limited-implementation hardware experiment. But it's insane that we might accept that failure rate in the marketplace, and that we might be blind to the fallout of such repeated experiments.

And you've had new experiences in several hiccupy and problematic attempts that fail to gain traction by the masses. Which is necessary for cool things to catch on (as well as developer support).

Also, forgot about Netflix shows... Arrested Development, House of Cards, Hemlock Grove. When I'm done with those there'll be others.

I hope they use the touchpad + button + motion sensing well. I'd love to aim with it, press with a certain # of fingers. Somehow that screams immersive to me, I want experiences like that with the big touchpad. Or maybe lob electobombs or, flick electroshuriken, or snap an electroslingshot.

Had trouble with that. Only got audio and a little popup. Will try again with newer iPad.

Had trouble with that in the past... got the audio and a little popup. I'll try again (new iPad) with some Amazon Instant Video I have purchased.

Would but Apple TV

Opinions and generalizations. By your scientific standards I don't exist, nor do ad agencies, nor do plenty of industries or departments of plenty of successful companies that integrate Macs and PCs. People use what they use, it takes very little IT effort to support that.

In my perception, one of the worst parts of the deal is the streaming. It seems like that is central to the proposition. And I might use it, but only infrequently, looking for a title on after I've checked Netflix. Which would add up to maybe 2 titles a year that I'd watch. When I consider that, I'm immediately

That's about the only way I'd try this, and I'd need to snort a line of crushed lactaid right after.

My recs in response to this list:

I also wonder about visibility. Truckers need to see to the left to be able to pass, and are already struggling to see around their cargo as it is. Hopefully this is not worst-of-both worlds, with two big blindspots.

Them some ugly grille holes. Drive a truck through them. Weird port placement on the sides, though I appreciate the utility of having them be reachable. And oh yeah, the stability of this makes me fear that may cat will be crushed if it brushes past this thing.

It's called the Mac Pro or Mac Mini. Some people want an All-in-One. As a bonus, they great the best All-in-One that is out there, it's responsibly designed. If they get the right one, it will last quite a long time, and should also be usable as a target display as well.

I would bet that this would be pretty awkward balancing act. At least I hope it would be more stable than it looks. If you're talking about flipping it over entirely and using the round bump to stablilize it, that seems onely barely workable. Most people want more than one angle, and this is a lot of product to flip

Though you're right that some people do want modularity, you are no doubt aware that the Pro suffix means next to nothing. It's a naming device borne of desperation to differentiate two products. There is some loose correlation between what professionals, prosumers, and consumers buy, but it's not set in stone. Even

I know it's great and all, but it's somewhat annoying as well: Every game on every platform. Negatives are option overload, storage and account management, potential to pay twice for the same game. Positives are obvious, but are much better for people with fewer game systems. I have a moderate amount and it's mildly

It's super easy, and made even easier with cloud saves if you're willing to avoid backing up.