Thank you kindly for the advice. I have Resistance 3... I will give it another shot while I wait for some sign from Sony what they and developers plan to do with PS Move in the next generation...
Thank you kindly for the advice. I have Resistance 3... I will give it another shot while I wait for some sign from Sony what they and developers plan to do with PS Move in the next generation...
Does anyone know why motion gaming for the PS4 has been so quiet? No known PS Move games, not much payoff on having the camera (at least at launch), and this patent went nowhere.
Any tips on how to not be annoyed having to aim at the edge of the screen to turn your body/viewpoint? That bugged me.Do you turn up the sensitivity/dead zone area whatever setting?
BTW, has anyone heard anything about PS Move on the PS4? I don't understand what the plan is. They are tracking the controller for very little payoff, yet I hear nothing about PS Move games.
Do you all use the gun? I have it and gave up on FPS for Move. Though I didn't try rail shooters. Recommendations?
Whatev. All I know is that PS Move is super accurate and is the best option for a lightsaber game, which the universe owes me. For all you whiners, and Neal Stephenson (who I won't call a whiner at this juncture), come over to my house and gladiate me in Sports Champions. I like Pacífico and don't forget the limes.
Wish the headlined used Typography instead of Fonts. You obviously use it in the write up, but it makes it a little more lowbrow to say this is a game about fonts.
That's the secret reason behind them not approving it.
I'm so glad this problem is solved. It's as if no other automaker has mapped an annoying UI layer onto physical controls that have been proven out as perfectly usable for decades.
I'll answer where PS4 fits in as regards motion gaming (referring back to the article topic). It comes down to games, hardware, especially in regards to motion gaming:
These are the most boring poles I've ever seen. Repost when they powder coat them.
Sarcastic comment about how every Xbox owner agrees with you and every Playstation fan disagrees with you. Reasonable argument that it is not the end of the world either way, and makes for a more interesting marketplace.
What's the story here? Are we supposed to wait for next gen to enjoy this game to its fullness-osity? And If I buy on PS Store will I get PS4 and PS3 versions? And similar Xbox question for those buying on that platform. Answers, I need answers!
No, he just said something inept and tone-deaf, which will make many of his customers feel alienated. He could have said something little less fanboy, and little more business-savvy-CEO, which could have shed some interesting light on how he runs his business. If you don't want to make accessories because it's a bad…
Well noticed, but I don't expect much from kitchy low grade satire. These fit the bill for what is needed. Actual forgery or respectful apery is a high art in my book. I'd rather see anyone who can do that do something new with it — such as rebooting some Geisel stories in a 2D, subtractive color, economical, ink…
This has some crippling problems (doesn't save notes, doesn't auto-launch easily). I will comment again after reviewing the 1.2 update or hear back from the developer on plans.
This is funny. I used Ellen Page as a reference on a game project once. We didn't have time/budget to find a model, and shoot refs, and she was perfect for the character. Meanwhile you can find stills of her (or any famous actor) and so it's very easy to get the talent started working with a likeness. However, as we…
Yeah, this is the best way. You need to see in person to really take in all the research you've done, and see if any known issues are dealbreakers.
I just think they should really try to avoid overworking and overthinking their movies. Alien let us be imperfect witnesses to events that unfolded. Limited third person view... we don't know what we don't know. Tell a good story!