
You all need to expand or retitle the "Silence the Call" section. That is what iPhone users are relegated to and it needs a little more play, even if it doesn't answer the headline's question.

Has any game done something where your shields, or health, vary in strength or are disabled due to conditions? That could help mitigate the fun lost because of less risk.

My Dualshock d-pad doesn't let me push down more than one button at the same time. Seems like it's the same part underneath. Not sure if that would be useful to actually have independent buttons.

It could be both, like the Vita.

I could totally see capacitive panels on front and back. They'd be about as useful as they are on the Vita, but Sony seems comfortable letting developers flail with a lot of capacity rather than have one single solution. They pick their battles on the core functionality and the cool new features are hot messes that

If it follows the path of sixaxis, and gets about as much developer support, it probably won't be used for much in games. I could imagine it being useful for non-game media though. Smart TV stuff.

We should be able to vote here. I want 2nd one down, I really want as little as possible to change. 1st is my runner-up.

What happened to this idea? I'm a move user and would love a "DualMove" controller.

Um, not cool.

Really pointless ad, self-referential and self-important. Thinks its way smarter, sexier, and more risque than it is.

Okay, how do I get it off the vita then?

Then what? I haven't figured out how to do anything with them past that point. Is that why they implemented an email app?

What are you talking about? Real football is almost constant play time (aside from Italians flopping around in agony even though they've hardly been touched).

Oops, this is misplaced.

To answer my own question... this is something that I'm trying to do for AS3:

I think this article, and those like it are great, but I worry that those that have high hopes for making their game will have their hopes dashed with frustration. I think there needs to be more coverage on this subject. What are the common pitfalls of beginners and how do we overcome them?

Yeah, what's wrong with people and not innately knowing how to program? They should cease existing.

I take it you haven't hacked my library card. My roving predilection for various fiction genres doesn't really come to bear on the reality we live in. I'll relish the relish on my veggie dog while I try to not further devolve this into an absurdist flame war. I simply think citizens needn't get their undies in a bunch

So your vote is for the Impreza or the XV?

So it's okay to cough on other people when you have pneumonia? Or should others not be offended if someone comes to a crowded place and coughs on people? Shouldn't someone think take a cough suppressant when they are forced to travel while sick? These speak to reasonable "regulations" that are enacted even while the