
I'm just here for the map to the real party: the secret word is "over-feathering." If you don't know about the party, the secret word is "non-operational functionality without sidebar."

I could see laser printing, but not inkjet or litho.

Agreed, and without audio is boringest vid ever. Though I can't imagine how audio would help. Wanted the fiddling to stop and the stupid hands to actually make the "gears" turn more than slightly. Perhaps a machine could be made to fiddle these faster... wake me when it's ready.

Separate, but I've also heard that the young 'uns and people in general have begun to prefer the artifacts of mp3 when they actually can disintinguish versus high quality audio. I think someone could hear an artifact of whatever they like - vinyl popping, cassette tape stretching, or mp3 whatever, and read their own

Yep, right on to all of that.

Brainstorming Tip: BUILD ON OTHERS IDEAS!

Yep. I forgot how to toggle 3d-with-texture on (I think that's what you and other people are referring to). Somehow I'm still alive, have all my original limbs, etc.

I think its a perfectly valid solution. Much easier to control things than people.

Yep, there are far worse. At least it's honest. And Walter White drove one.

I hate any interesting lighting design (on day running lights, headlights, or tail lights) that draws attention to itself through styling. Good example is Audi that has one model with a nice straight line LED headlight accent, but also a model with curved LED lines that looks like a trans designer's nightmare vision

Does iTunes still annoyingly download every show and movie you've ever purchased when you open the application?

Speak for yourself. Love those little green mofos.

Some double negatives in your first sentence but I think I get you.

Weird, I think it's you.

I hear ya. It's funny how much of a difference a few vertical pixel makes.

Long comment here. Couldn't stop writing, apologies to all.

Yep on all counts. I wish air travel was democratic, laissez-faire, and non-hierarchical as most public transport. Try and design a better system (within a decrepit ecosystem of creaking rickety hardware and ailing, antiquated electronics) and you'll be caught flatfooted by some unexpected boarding scenario (prisoner

Then you can slide your SUV into this SUV. Perfect.

So then the question would be "hey, respond if you're doing okay and want to stick around, but don't if you are in any pain or don't want to come back". Or some such.

Your situation says a lot. Would you say that you are happy with things in your current setup?