Will B.

Can’t wait to play it next year on my Xbox One 2.

Today in “human beings perplexingly defending other human beings that were being assholes” ...

I’ve been calling NBC Sports for weeks. They kept showing Hurricanes instead of the goddamn Hartford Whalers games.

“The Caboose.”

Why do you think people are willing to spend so much per square foot just to live there?

Because people are dumb and think it’s worth it?

BuT tHe CuLtUrE! It’S tHe GrEaTeSt CiTy On EaRtH!

Again, why would anyone willingly decide to live and work in loud noisy cramped NYC and put up with either

This is exactly why I’ve long worried that putting the most vulnerable women and children in the crypts of Winterfell, where they’ll be surrounded by the dead bodies of their loved ones like Ned Stark “to keep them safe,” miiiiight not be the greatest idea ever.

Does anyone think that the White walkers are going to pull a move like Rob did at the twins? I am almost willing to bet that when Winterfell gets attached ...there won’t be any night’s king or undead dragon with them, and it will be a smaller chunk of the undead....the good guys will barely survive (not all)....only

Are you by any chance drunk?

In other words...we do this all the time - but we got caught this time, so we fired the low man on the totem pole

Should an adult really need to be told not to take a customer’s car for their own errands?

I mean, the schlub at the bottom used her truck for a Lowe’s run. He deserved to be fired.

Sure - like they didn’t know this was going on, and they fire the shlub at the bottom of the ladder. I guess in today’s amersica that passes as “taking responsibility”.

I feel like the answer is some kind of Subaru, no? 

Well, if you don’t want a Miata, I can’t really help you, but this might:

Your insult game is pretty awful.

It has been pointed out to me that I forgot Mark Hamil’s Joker, which is a 100% valid criticism and one which I will accept fully and live with the shame. But it is a 100% correct non-Mark Hamil Joker list.

0. Luke Skywalker

Unacceptable lack of Mark Hamill in there.