
If only investigative journalists would, you know, investigate. Great work, Lauren.

I’ve read more franchise disclosure documents than any journalist on earth.

Rovell just overlooks the fact that the most important percentage in having your wife open her own business is the percentage of time you now get to spend away from her.

Could’ve saved the county a few thousands dollars by just letting it get run over by traffic like God intended.

pulls a Crosby.....

You can tell me to recycle or you can tell me how to recycle. Not both.

I have never...attempted to gain a competitive advantage.

“This government mandated tax can then distribute those tax dollars for the purpose of the creation of propaganda for those that ‘pass’ our grant curation process.”

Yeah, there’s a novel’s worth of material that’s wrong with the statement. I find the blatant attack on the provision in the constitution that protects him and allows him to write this without government interference to be the most ignorant though. He’s gone so far down the communism rabbit hole that he can’t see the

Probably wont make a difference

You must be new here. Hamilton both LOVES tax and also knows nothing about it. Creates some pretty entertaining posts.

via a tax designed to take from any platform that distributes news without paying for it

“You could accomplish this sort of redistribution of wealth through the tax code, via a tax designed to take from any platform that distributes news without paying for it, and plow the money back into the creation of news.”

Her reaction to Clemens coming back in the most predictable manner is utterly unforgivable.

I love baseball. I love watching just two random teams. But my local radio station carries the Yankees games from NY, and I...just...can’t. Listening to Waldman is like dragging a cheese grater over my face and Sterling is just such a homer that I want to club him to death.

John Sterling and his Chef Boyardee Eyetalian is still preferable to hearing anything coming out of Suzyn Waldman’s piehole.

We have to be offended by everything. That’s how we show we’re compassionate.

Hopefully it’s a one-time column. The world has enough negativity without spending more time smashing dumb movies.