
Maybe it’s a black thing?

I think it might be. I read this website everyday, and notice most of the errors, but keep coming back. While anecdotal, it speaks to the bullshit that is her central premise.

This is all pretty rich from a site that has ostensibly no copy editors. I’ve read innumerable posts with typos in the first two sentences and there is at least one factual correction each day. Glass houses, throwing stones, yadda yadda.

You really can find something to piss and moan about in anything in life. If you won 100mm in the lottery, you’d complain about the taxes, wouldn’t you?

No, going knees first into the catcher was fucking stupid.

Yes, joint custody typically means the kids spend 5/7 days of the week with their mothers. Seems like a fair statement.

You’re delusional if you think it’s that easy for someone in his or her 40s to just get educated and go find a job after not working for about 20 years.

Well, The Wire and all of the looting last year. So quick to forget the game where no fans were allowed to attend.

> fuck their second-rate city

Slow white guy is slow.

Is he dead because of his own poor choices or society’s failures? This is very inconsistent.

North Carolina really has its priorities in check when deciding which hills to die on.

Well you already jumped to the conclusion it was a suicide, so why should they investigate?

Just tuned in. Actually?

Nick, you should be able to make it at least 6 words into a story without a typo. Sad.

Patrick, you’ve got to be able to make it more than the first five words without a typo to call yourself a journalist.

Don’t take offense: they’ll apologize for anything.

Man up, Lauren (yes, I mean that with all the misogyny it implies).

Okay, Michael Jordan.

Weak take: you didn’t even credit MJ for that line.