
I would like to see a transcript of the conversation that went on at Apple about the touch bar to see what reasons they thought were worthy to make something like that. It’s clumsy at best and a poor alternative to what they consider to be a touchscreen alternative. Although it would be complicated, I wouldn’t be

Over/under on when Maher brings up the “As a member of NWA, not only was the word in your raps but it was in your very name... So why can’t I?...” line of questioning. Over or under 3 minutes?

HBO should fire him. When Imus made his series of racist comments, GE held a townhall and black employees lined up to say they could never tolerate him again. HBO is hoping they can just weather the storm and come through it. We shouldn’t forget his decades of racism and religious bigotry.

THIS could be the encounter that forces HBO to reconsider the relationship. Maher won’t allow any criticism because he’ll believe his apology put the whole thing to bed. You’ll have a left-leaning 61-year old white man talking over a black man and telling the black man to get over it. He won’t sit there and eat shit

How are there so many members of government who don’t know what freedom of speech means? It protects you from the government. No one else.

Maher has been saying racist shit for years and still inexplicably has a show. He is a garbage human.

Bill Maher belongs to the Bill Maher party. He’s too smart to be a conservative, but he’s too much of an asshole to give a rats ass about anyone who isn’t named Bill Maher. I don’t know why anyone pays attention to him anymore, his schtick got tired back before before politically incorrect ended. If people stopped

But the black girl who silently refused to leave class was body slammed suspended and told she deserved it.

Whats making me mad about this is how everyone is reporting that it was “alleged”. Its not. This shit happened. There was audio and witnesses. Get his ass off the ballot and lock him up. Period.

What’s sick about this is I can’t help but think that assualting a reporter might *help* him with conservatives...

Sorry to veer slightly off topic, but is there a master list of trolls floating around? Two days after I had flagged and dismissed the person who told me that they hoped I got “raped to death by a gang of n*ggers with bad breath” by “Bombing of Peace”, someone named “white guilt makes you stupid” told me they wish

Not to mention that the teacher decided to confront the girl over her hair in front of the rest of the class, so instead of teaching the lesson, she took time out of the class teaching time to address this child in front of other people so that she now has idiots asking her a bunch of questions about the upkeep of her

Yes, he is a jerk. Yes, she is a crappy human.

It’s flipped. Nobody says flicked. Maybe people from certain parts of the country? Never heard it in my 42 years.

Nope, you are not wrong. Flipping the Bird. Not flick.

No. It’s Flip.

Flicked? I thought it was flipped, have I been wrong this whole time?

... demanding an immediate investigation...