
One of the first things parents learn about human behavior is that without consistent boundaries and consequences, kids will act out. This holds true for all people. This will keep happening until the blue code is burned to the ground and there are consistent, nation-wide consequences for police violating people’s

There’s no shame in being mostly vegetarian or mostly vegan. I have meat about once a week and I limit my dairy intake to local eggs and a little butter, and those reductions alone significantly reduce my carbon footprint, my contribution to the abuses of factory farming of animals, and mean that most of my diet is

You’re right, but that still maintains the gamble. Let’s say that 1% of the population lives extremely poorly, like having no legal rights, being a sub-human social class, and being the property of other people. You still have that 1% chance of living 60+ years of absolute hell. Isn’t that really high? And wouldn’t a

Income > expenses, two months’ of expenses is your minimum checking account balance, keep credit card spending at or below 30% of the max (credit utilization), pay off credit card 100% before due date with zero exceptions every month until you die, check credit report once a year for abnormalities, look into loan

Casino Royale remains perhaps the best James Bond movie, and certainly the best novel adaptation of the entire movie franchise. While it’s not a perfect movie, and while it did borrow a bit from Bourne, it centered on Bond as a person, his relationship to M and to his job, and featured real character development in a

In 1971, American philosopher John Rawls proposed a thought experiment called the Veil of Ignorance.

“As a viewer, I kind of like the idea of the Doctor as a boy but then maybe I’m an old fashioned dinosaur – who knows?”

Yeah, the banana shakes there are legit. I’m just not big on falafel, so I felt weird suggesting it.

If you’re in San Jose and for some reason can’t leave immediately, you do have some surprisingly good options if you’re in need of good food. You can skip the usual recommendations, like The Table and Il Fornaio. They’re fine, but they’re not San Jose.

I’d start by first doing a simple allowance system.

Now playing

You have a really good point with that poll that’s worth discussing. The brogressive stuff really sabotaged that point, though. You kinda ruined the discussion about how, actually, Sanders had and has strong support among black Americans. I remember Sanders’ response to a BLM question at the October 2015 Democratic

They’re only in France for part of the season. I’d suggest doing a marathon just prior to the new season.

Peaky Blinders is a decent show about a late 19th century criminal gang in England. It stars Cillian Murphy, but also has some scenery-chewing Tom Hardy to boot.

I really enjoyed several episodes of Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition (later Extreme Weightloss). The show featured people in real medical trouble asking for help. Instead of being starved or put on a crash diet or being required to do incredibly difficult exercises which were dangerous, it seemed at least in what

Impeachment is the leveling of charges against the president. You have to charge someone with a crime before being found guilty of a crime. It’s investigate-> sufficient evidence-> charge-> trial -> finding -> (if guilty) sentencing.

Guy Ritchie’s live-action Aladdin musical is reportedly having trouble finding actors for key roles.

Authoritarians attacking the free press is as old as the free press. We’ve had it in the particularly bad cases of authoritarianism, we’ve also had it even in instances of authoritarianism lite. Anyone or anyones in power who don’t want to be held responsible for their actions by independent entities with the power to

I’m cool with “brown” men falling in love with white women, I’d just like to see more women of color being fallen in love with and more people of color as a member or both members of same-sex and non-binary couples (triples, etc.). Our species has a hell of a lot of diversity, so why not have that diversity reflected

Trump openly mocked a New York Times reporter’s disability and got elected anyway. His constituents and supporters can shut their mouths about this.

A better representation of the 90s would have been something from the misguided low-fat craze, like those awful Snackwell cookies. Baked goods also made a big comeback like puff pastry and quick-make biscuits and croissants. I’d go with Snackwell and mini-muffins or mini-croissants for a 90s theme.