
Just ignore it and power right through it. If someone says, “I feel offended by...” just treat it like they said, “I am offended by...” and see if there’s a constructive discussion to come of the disagreement. Maybe you were being a little insensitive. Maybe they’re being overly sensitive. There’s no way to know

Hey, if there’s a campaign to ram miscegenation down people’s throats, where do I sign up? We can “harass” people by being colorblind and being in relationships with people because we’re attracted to them and feel a deep connection to them and trust them, instead of worry about how much melanin their skin has.

This is quite simple: there are far worse, more offensive, more lazy trailers for movies even less necessary than this one, and none of them have garnered even a fraction of the negative press. There’s another explanation, and it’s as obvious as the nose on your face.

Mom coach

I look forward to when the normal response to celebrity gossip is “That’s really none of our business.” It’s weird enough that celebrities are worshipped, but the fetishization and obsession is really creepy, and because this is the internet, everyone thinks they have a right to have their opinion heard.

Not all gender-switching thought-experiments necessarily work, but you’ve got a point. It’s a bit reductive.

So we’re still doing this “she’s not black enough” dance? Still fighting one kind of racism with another kind of racism by trying to police Saldana’s race?

To borrow from the legal definition of first degree murder, the difference is that the latter is willful and premeditated with malice aforethought. There’s a reason we classify murder in different ways, separating willful and premeditated murder (first degree) from a moment of passion (voluntary manslaughter) or an

But you’re missing out on the other part of Caitriona Balfe. the fact that she’s an outstanding actress. Seriously, she’s absolutely brilliant.

The purpose of art is not necessarily to be aesthetically pleasing to a general audience. Isn’t the purpose of college to create an informed citizenry, so that, as a free and democratic society, we can function? This could be a teachable moment for the institution’s art department to educate these kids about how

The problem is that there really hasn’t been a lot of discussion about it. The video is posted, then everyone half pays attention to the video and then concludes that this somehow disproves feminist theory, then there’s a massive circle-jerk.

I think we need to have the government ban the word “censored” from the internet, so that people learn what it actually means.

If voter turnout is higher for this election, we won’t. Based on the 18 biggest pollsters, Trump’s currently at 63.1% unfavorable in national polls. Compare that to Hillary Clinton, at 54.2% unfavorable (miraculous considering the right’s been targeting her for years) and 40.5% unfavorable and dropping for Bernie

I watched the whole thing for free on CW Seed over my Christmas break. It was just after having watched Stargate Atlantis on Hulu. The experiences were nearly identical.

Tron Legacy. Demolition Man. Street Fighter. Tango & Cash. There are dozens if not hundreds of movies which, if you turn off your brain, become hugely enjoyable. Maybe it’s the visuals, maybe it’s the scenery-chewing, maybe it’s the soundtrack, maybe it’s just how a failure can be so self-serious.

I think it’s a great potential resource for people who really just want to learn casually, but there’s a reason that piano lessons have a tendency to be pricy and to take a lot of practice time. Piano, done well, is a difficult instrument, and learning it requires immediate feedback and monitoring for corrections and

Racism exists. Racial classes are an invented thing, but the inequality that’s come of them is absolutely and very real. You cannot get rid of racial classes (“I don’t see race”) until the inequalities have been dealt with. You cannot deal with inequalities until those inequalities are understood and are

While Zoe Saldana is and looks black, the fact is, she is black in a way that so many other black women are not.

Shame he can’t give his delegates to Clinton or Sanders.

General consensus among my Native American fellow students? People have a right to be offended, but they don’t have a right to pretend to speak for an entire group of people without talking to them first. A group of people finds this in bad taste, which is absolutely their right, but to many Native Americans their