
Awesome! If French is a little bit much initially, learning music and Italian simultaneously is a good match what with musical concepts and names often being in Italian (like forms, instruments, dynamics, tempo markings, expression, etc.). Italian could be your forte in no time. And the nice thing about Italian is

The Parents Television Council isn't just a censorship group who think it's the government's job to determine what children shouldn't watch on television (as opposed to being the job of parents), it's an anti-gay hate group. I think every mention of them in the media should include this information right off the bat,

Yes, McDonalds is being laughably hypocritical serving demonstrably unhealthy food while pretending to sell healthy food.

If you intentionally flirt with someone you know is in a committed, monogamous relationship, you've demonstrated that you don't respect their decision to be with that person. Maybe it's both the possessive significant other and the 'tempter/temptress' who don't seem to respect that person's agency and personal

It was self-imposed out of principle, if memory serves.

It worked for Socrates.

I think it's time for the war on Saturnalia to finally come to an end. These Johnny come latelies who think they own winter solstice have been allowed to violate everything sacred about Saturnalia for centuries (yes, centuries, Christmas as we understand it today isn't that old).

If anyone's taking requests, I think a Chopin Mazurka would be a good way to introduce triple meter to the mix.

They'r failing badly? I'm sure they'll fail better in the future.

She's kept the Elvira character going for 33 years! She's sexy, sharp, irreverent, flirty, but never in a way that felt like she was an object, but rather she had control and was being who she was without fear of judgment or condemnation. It's interesting that between campy-fun creepy movies she managed to be her own

I'm going to just got back and rewatch Gladiator. Like this it's a historically inaccurate epic, but at least it's a ton of fun.

Or, you know, just wear a kilt. I have several tartan cotton button down shirts that are great with the sleeves rolled up for a more casual look that works well with denim or chinos. I see no reason why a tartan kilt in navy blues and reds can't go with a light blue OCBD for a modern spin on the traditional

What an utterly depressing article. Jeez.

I wish more of these places would take the time and effort to get the basics right. I was in H&M recently and all I wanted were some very basic pieces of clothing: an oxford button down, a few henleys, and red chinos. Autumn is coming, and I figured a few pieces might be helpful as the weather cools. The clothing was

Shouldn't your calendar say we have another three weeks of summer?

A brand new way to objectify women. Thanks, internet.

A brand new way to objectify women. Thanks, internet.

Be friends with people because you share interests or have similar values or mesh well while discounting the color of their skin. It's not black people's jobs to be white people whisperers. Be a normal human being and just be friends with people. Jeez.

I'd never insist someone else not wear a Speedo (unless we're at a funeral or something), but for me I find them to be largely unflattering and extremely uncomfortable. I was on a swim team for a short time, and, while the skimpy briefs did reduce drag considerably, I felt really self-conscious and I had to