
Natural disasters tend more to unite us.  Power loss won’t cause chaos until the supermarkets can’t be restocked, food distribution is disrupted and people are going hungry.  When little kids are asking their parents to feed them and there’s no food around, then things get really ugly.

Then you need to learn AutoCAD and 3D modeling. Plenty of resources to teach yourself.

Exceptions to that rule:  Vegas casino buffets.   If heaven has a buffet, it’s copied from the one at the Billagio. 

Like a proper anal probing.

You’re looking on the wrong websites then.  Because plenty, especially strong 2A advocates do.   They’re just less vocal about it if the Republicans are in control.

The majority of military veterans take the oath to “protect and defend” against enemies “foreign and domestic” very seriously.  If the government is seen as removing rights, violating the constitution, etc., then many will stand up to defend.

That’s the kind of thing that could spark a civil war. Trump sending the National Guard into Hispanic communities and rounding up every Hispanic male between the ages of 16 and 50 on the ground of being affiliated with MS13 and other gangs.  To be held until their innocence can be prove. As a matter of National

Antiperspirant should be applied after your shower the night before, so it has time to set up before you start sweating. Says so on the packaging.

There’s an old saying on the Internet. “It’s too late to save it and too early for the shooting to start.” As people are becoming simultaneously more hopeless, more angry, and more politically divided, that feeling is going mainstream.

Everyone likes to point the finger at the individual cop. But, this is a perfect example of a failure in training and culture.

More than half your list also apply to Hispanic.

Seeking equality shouldn’t mean asking anyone to “step down”. Equality isn’t a finite resource that needs to be portioned out. The goal should be to ensure that everyone gets the same top class treatment. Eliminate privilege by making it the norm for everyone.

Not having read the comics, I’d assume a time jump means they could go to a time when they’ve rebuilt to a large extent and the communities are thriving and stable.   And then introduce a new threat that shakes everything up.   If it was me, I’d go with a large military force roling in claiming to be the new US

The last Pirates you can see the traces of a good story from an early script that just got mangled and completely lost.

The only thing worse than the two party system is the multi party system like in much of Europe. Where they have to form coalition governments and struggle to get anything done before the coalition collapses.

There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.”

— John Adams, Letter to

Grill a whole head of garlic.

You absolutely can make pizza on a gas grill. All you need is a $20 pizza stone. Put the stone on the grill and get it nice and hot while you assemble the pizza on a pizza peal.

The ACLU has fought for decades to defend the first amendment and the right to demonstrate. Because when you get down to it, you can’t legally deny white supremacists the right to demonstrate without also denying BLM or any other movement.

A lot of people don’t stand up and protest injustice for the same reason they don’t join fundraiser fun runs for cancer or actively raise awareness about ACLS. Because it doesn’t directly impact them. But as soon as it does, they’re suddenly like born again Christians, preaching to the high heavens about it. Because