Pilot Precise V5. Inks like a gel, rolls like a ball point. And very fine tip like a needle. And you can see how much ink is left in it.
Pilot Precise V5. Inks like a gel, rolls like a ball point. And very fine tip like a needle. And you can see how much ink is left in it.
Define NYC. Because for a LOT of people, they only think of Manhattan and the immediately adjacent areas. The further you get from Manhattan, the worse the public transit options are. In the north and east of Queens, you can need to take three buses to get anywhere.
Define NYC. Because for a LOT of people, they only think of Manhattan and the immediately adjacent areas. The further you get from Manhattan, the worse the public transit options are. In the north and east of Queens, you can need to take three buses to get anywhere.
Define extravagent. I spend about $500 on a birthday party. Local bowling alley or indoor bounce house place. Kids play for an hour, then get pizza and cake and a goodie bag. And then I don’t have to clean up after or spend days planning and making goodie bags and cleaning the house....
Well, the original is based on a French novel and DOESN’T take place on earth. That twist was entirely invented for the movie. Along with the message about humanity destroying itself and being usurped by the rise of a new dominant species more worthy of the planet.
Though some can be a lot harder to credit. Like, who do you give the credit for a grilled cheese sandwich?
Read this thread.
I don’t understand how Subway is a thing in NYC when every corner deli makes a far superior sandwich for maybe $2 more. Factory sliced coldcuts vs. Boar’s Head coldcuts sliced to order. No contest.
There I go, discriminating, thinking only poor white trash who never finished high school were susceptible to that particular brand of bullshit.
Username checks out.
Side note: if an officer asks a driver for identification or to exit a vehicle, you must comply.
Watched the original as a kid. I don’t mind the gender swapped Higgens. I do mind making her a part of the team right away, rather than a foil to bounce off.
What was the reason Coulson was able to break the time loop? Obviously, in the original loop, he either voluntarily or is forced to take the serum. Graviton then absorbs Daisy and then rips the earth apart to get the gravitonium. So, he broke the loop by not taking it and slipping it into Daisy’s gauntlet.
Around 3 or 4 in the afternoon is what I call “The Cranky Hour”. Families that have been in the park since the moment it opened, early in the morning, are starting to get tired. The kids are tired from walking and standing all day. They probably haven’t been drinking enough for the heat and the sun. The kids start…
No bet. L.I. and S.I. are the last (R) strongholds in the area.
The Cosby Show is an important piece of television history. So, how long after his death before networks can run the show and people can watch it without a big asterix on every episode?
But, is the cost benefit there? I built a couple of PCs a LONG time ago because it was much cheaper than buying a PC. Then Dell and Gateway brought the price of a PC down a lot through their bulk purchase power and it was no longer cost effective.
Until you fill the pot a little too high, drop in something a little too large, overflow the pot and the burner ignites the whole thing. And only THEN do people think about having a fire extinguisher on hand.