Damn it, this was originally a SCARY dark ride. The pirates are supposed to be bad people doing bad things. Things that kids can easily recognise as evil and scary, in a fun way. That’s FUN for kids. A safe scare.
Damn it, this was originally a SCARY dark ride. The pirates are supposed to be bad people doing bad things. Things that kids can easily recognise as evil and scary, in a fun way. That’s FUN for kids. A safe scare.
Since Hollywood is a remake machine, which previous summer blockbusters should be remade with an all black cast and a black director? Let’s say, movies at least 20 years old.
The book is much improved if you read it as the first person tale of someone who has been fully indoctrinated into the fascist system and not meant to be taken as the “correct” interpretation of what he describes. Instead look for the clues that are dropped about what the world is really like. Indoctrination through…
Rule of thumb: If you’re kid gets hurt and cries, they’re probably going to be fine. If they get hurt and are silent, RUN because it’s probably serious.
The NRA’s base tactic has always been akin to Union negotiations.
Trump appoints OJ Simpson to Dept. of Justice.
This is one of those tragedies that will be taught in engineering schools for decades to come, along side the Hyatt Regency walkway collapse.
It’s called an “employee owned” model. Consulting firms use this a lot. Every employee gets “shares” based on their base salary and years of service. Value of the “shares” is calculated based on the year’s profits. Payout is either just after the end of the fiscal year or twice a year, once in the middle of the fiscal…
Just merge them into one holiday. It worked for Presidents’ Day.
Concealed carry is:
Both sides of the debate need to stop talking about guns like magic talismans. Having a gun in your possession does not automatically make you safer. Having a gun in your possession does not automatically get in your head and make you a killer.
My kids: “When is it kids’ day?”
I use OneNote and it’s biggest draw for me is being able to archive EVERYTHING related to a project. Emails, photos, meeting minutes, pdf documents, spreadsheets, handwritten notes.....and then being able to share the notebook with others as needed.
Really thought this was going to be about putting a very thin layer of mayo on both sides of the bun to create a waterproof layer between the burger and the bun.
And properly maintained, they last practically forever. WWI bolt action rifles are still in wide circulation and make excellent hunting rifles.
It’s much simpler than that. There has been so much panic buying over the last 10 years or so that everyone who REALLY wants an AR15 already bought two.
I was only speaking for myself. If I had some situation, like unemployement or the apocalypse, my backyard would become a garden.
With that budget, I’d have to start a home garden. Potato and tomato are easy to grow. Cucumbers and onions aren’t bad either. Grape vines take two years before they produce good fruit.
If you dig into the statistics for “school shootings”, very few of them are mass casualty events like Parkland. The vast majority are one individual shooting at one or two other people. Even events where shots were fired at a basketball game in a playground outside of school hours are included. Those are events that…