This is one of the most recycled topics and the answer is always the same. It’s right up there with “11 tips to blow his mind in bed”. Just a pointless rehash and if you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.
This is one of the most recycled topics and the answer is always the same. It’s right up there with “11 tips to blow his mind in bed”. Just a pointless rehash and if you’ve read one, you’ve read them all.
I would have been OK if they made a gender-bent version of Anne Rice’s Remsese the Damned.
A high deductible can be worth it IF, and thats a big IF, you can put away the cash to cover at least most of that deductible somewhere that you don’t touch it. Have a $2,000 deductible and put $2,000 into a short term CD or some other device that will keep you from using it. In the long run, you save on the reduced…
Being a victim of a violent crime at all is an anomaly. So is having your house burn down. You don’t have homeowners insurance because you expect to have a house fire. You have it because the consequences of not having it are dire.
Historically? Pretty damn far. Active procedures vs. passive systems like sensors.
In the London Underground, they installed glass sliding doors to keep people from falling off the platforms. Except they installed them just far enough away from the train doors for someone to get stuck between the closed glass doors and the train doors. And without any sensors to warn the train. Didn’t end well.…
If the doors had mechanisms like elevator doors the train would never be able to leave the station because there are always people trying to get on at the last second. Every train would be late. Instead, they rely on the engineer and conductor looking out their windows and seeing that they are clear. On some stations…
Yeah, hospitalization, recovery, lost work time for the survivor. Families who lost the support of a loved one and a source of income. That doesn’t compare to two people who walked away without any physical harm.
After 3 horrible experiences with Jet Blue, I paid an extra $50 per ticket to fly the family to Orlando on Delta for our last vacation. So yes, people do take more than route and cost into account when they can.
Or he’s the like the majority of people and his political views are more centrist and he sees things on both sides of the aisle he agress with and disagrees with. But in this current all-or-nothing political mentality, people aren’t allowed to diverge from the official party platforms.
Progressives and Liberal (note the capital letters) are usually so good at winning the war of semantics, but have really dropped the ball on the label of “white privilege”.
If you start with blown eggs (empty shells), you can keep them out longer. you can seal the holes with wax to keep the shells from filling with water. The buoyancy does make submerging them trickier. I’ve seen one technigue where you insert a bamboo skewer into one hole and wax it in place so you can control the egg.
Let’s just clarify his position. The argument goes:
Have you ever seen the tight controls that are put on food entering the White House? All screened at an off-site warehouse, put into trucks that are sealed, the seals inspected when the truck arrives at the White House and the food is moved into the kitchen. Any food that is given as a gift to the President or the…
It is well documented that there are “community guns” that float around neighborhoods and can be “borrowed” on demand. Down to knowing that a handgun is kept in a certain apartment building mailbox with a broken lock. It’s an underground trade started by street gangs and drug dealers. But anyone who knows somebody can…
Where was the producer going “And we’re back in five...four...three...(switching to silent finger counting and then pointing at the talent).....
Absolutely. The 40 is a crime against alcohol. You can’t finish it before it loses its chill and becomes room temperature. So you start off with a refreshing cold beer and finish the last 1/3 as piss warm slop.
Then Jezebel would like to have a word with them....
Can someone explain how placing the ad in a very general looking protest and having her give a cop a soda is cultural appropriation? I see a tasteless appropriation of the famous shot of a woman putting flowers in the barrel of National Guard rifles in the 60's.
Does your passport have a corkscrew, tweezers and a small knife?