
I’m not sure the Academy should be the primary focus here. In all the discussions, only 3 movies are named that starred minority actors that should have been considered. Straight out of Compton, Concussion and Beast of No Nation. That’s out of, what, a couple hundred movies released in 2015?

Note that in a lot of newer commercial spaces (built in last ten years or so) the thermostat control and the actual temperature sensor are two different units. The wall mounted controls are tied to button sized sensors in the ceiling or in the walls that you’ve probably never noticed. So, putting a bag of ice on the

If you were from the US, you’d know our public education system is free up through high school. You’d also know that the quality of that schooling varies wildly by neighborhood and local tax base.

I think the biggest problem with this movement is the use of the word “privilege”. It just doesn’t sit well with most people. It’s a reversal of the way we used to talk saying someone was “disadvantaged”.

What is so bad about taking the time to say thank you to someone who makes an effort that you appreciate? Especially a potential ally who is showing that a long standing problem CAN be fixed. Just more pissing on your allies.

Football Fan: I’m going to go complain about this right after I get done spanking to it..... Where’s my phone, I can do both.

Bread and circuses. Don’t look behind the curtain.

Vegas is taking odds on whether FoxNews will be the only media source to cut to her reaction at any time during the speech.

You don’t fo with the annuity because if you die, the payments stop. It’s not inheritable. So your family loses out on the rest of the money.

It should be a simple question. Does the proposed law accomplish the stated goal of reducing mass shootings? Will the law keep criminals from obtaining firearms?

Had to look at IMDB:

There are two types of actors in Hollywood. There are the ones who play basically the same character in every movie and people like it, Like Dwayne Johnson. And there are the people who can completely morph into other people at will, like Ed Norton.

Which do you find the most offensive?

Since his mother publicly said she DIDN’T want him to run for president, in a kind of backhanded way, this might be him trying to court her love like the scorned blacksheep she treats him as.

How to select a book to read:

Many of Cosby’s accusers kept silent for years, even decades, because he was powerful in Hollywood and could end their careers.

The content of the SotU is usually known days ahead of time. It is shared around Capital Hill and with the media. There are no real surprises. Both sides know well ahead of time when they will stand and applaud and when they will sit. The media already has their canned commentary ready and the pundits have already