Wild Turkey Surprise

Well put!

That hit on Lindros was like a bomb going off, it was beautiful.

This is a theory that, while I would bet hard money against it, I looooooove.

Lynch has a habit of creating pairs of weird-assed side characters. Two people who basically stand outside the action and say & do goofy, bizarre shit. Usually cops. Like dummy versions of Rosencrant and Guildenstern.

It's dope

This. And while credit certainly goes to Ashbrook, this is a classic Lynch trait - actors give seemingly wooden or inauthentic performances, but it's done a specific way for a specific reason.

I think it's the "sign of various forces" thing. I think there is something brewing spiritually in Twin Peaks again - I mean, more than normal - and the Lodges/spirits are trying to let everyone know. There is a major showdown coming, and Cooper and Becky are going to wind up at the center.

This. When she appeared last week, I literally clapped and smiled.

I think it was the episode where Janey-E had to show up at the office to grab "Dougie" and the cops were there about the stolen car. Someone announces "there's a police officer here to see you" or something like that and I think Sizemore says something like "Police…….yeah, that reminds me, I need to make a phone

Still, it's not clear if everyone is sure what they saw or thought they remembered.

Yeah, elements of the Lodge have clearly been guiding Dougie/Coop since his entry back into the real world (the Lodge above the winning slots, the Arm telling him to shred Ike's hand, and now the pie thing). It makes you wonder: if these forces are so evil, why are they openly helping Coop/Dougie get along? My guess

The one diane received could have 'activated' some suggestion he placed in her years back.

Yeah after about ten seconds of the horn-honking I was like "oh yeah, this is intentional". It was unbelievably annoying, which I'm sure was Lynch's way of getting your nerves up.

Look again: it's actually Iggy Pop out on that lawn.

I love them too, which is why I am waiting with GODDAM BAITED BREATH for my local drive-in to say whether or not they're going to get Atomic Blonde.

You haven't seen the movie yet.

And this, Agent Secretpassword, is the reason we fired you.


FWIW, this is from the Wikipedia entry for 10 Cloverfield Lane:

I don't think they're stylistically similar. It's been a while since I saw Cloverfield but it pretty much (for better or worse) became synonymous with "shaky-cam low-budget found footage". 10 Cloverfield Lane was nothing like that.