Wild Turkey Surprise

I'm not sure what you mean; I'm probably forgetting something, but Alabama is ostensibly a hooker who works for Oldman, right? I don't know what you mean by "all that is implied by it".

Evil Empire of Greendale

I won't be able to see Wonderstruck in the theater but just because it's Haynes I will hold out high hopes. He'll never top Safe, anyway.

Off on holiday this week to somewhere sunny

I misread that as "Star Trek: Beyond Meh" and I was like WHOA, truth in advertising!!

They should have called it Valerian Root: Sleep Aid, right?

Even in a World War II movie, here's this guy, with fractured narratives.

What's the one you agree with?

Oh man, Enemy. What a movie. It succeeds in my favorite way that movies succeed: by fascinating me but ultimately leaving me with no real "explanation". IIRC "The Spider" was not in the book, purely invented for the movie, which seems weird. . Hell, the fact that this movie was even based on a book seems weird. The

I gave it five bags of popcorn and……..two really big skyscrapers, because Kong loves to climb those tall buildings.

I'm a huge Edgar Wright fan so I was already eager to be pleased, but when Neat Neat Neat cued up on Baby's iPod, I pumped my fists and tried to keep my "yaaaaaassssss" to a volume appropriate to being in a theater.

This time, I believe you. No, really.

I think he’s brilliant but had zero interest in watching it.

I loooooooove her hair.

All these years later, I can watch True Romance and enjoy it for the stupid fun it is, but to be fair I really can't disagree with you. I think if I saw it for the first time right now I'd probably dislike it. When I watched it about six months ago, I was pretty turned off by the scene where Hopper lips off to Walken

Premium Rush was worth seeing just for Michael Shannon's hysterical line "I forgot my bullets.". But he makes damn near anything worth watching.

Starring Tim Heidecker!

Midnight Special is so goddam good.

Cold-hearted post of the day. Kudos.

It can be 2 things.