Wild Turkey Surprise

Man, we need Gallo to rile some shit up these days. Like, he needs to do an abstract sculpture in the middle of Chicago and then loudly proclaim it to be about how much he hates Obama or something crazy. NOBODY pisses people off like Vincent Gallo, I love him.

This often bothers me too.

The grade and review don't bother me, I'm still stoked for this. The trailer makes it look like Nicolas W Refn made a Mad Max movie.

With the dull glow of mediocrity!

Yes, it SHOULD be embarrassing, getting shushed. But that would require that your average modern asshole be capable of being embarrassed. They are not.

It's a goddam movie theater, not your goddam living room. Different rules apply because it's a different environment. Bright distracting lights are obnoxious because the entire idea of being in a theatre is to become immersed in the experience, and immersion isn't possible with obnoxious distractions.

Yeah I'm in San Diego and am assuming the next leg of the tour will bring her here, LA for sure. Looking at this list, it's obviously just the first go-round.


Fuckin right

That's just not believable, though. No one's gonna chase Korl.

Just wait until they send you an update on The Neverending Story, that's really gonna fry your mind.

I'm sure if you ring up Michael Bolton, he'll be more than happy to tell you all about the Sparrow chronicles.

My favorite part is when they're sitting on the bed and the squeaks in the spring become music.

Yeah the library is the joint when it comes to that shit.

I still get discs too but for some reason even people here are like "LOL wtf is DVDs". But there are tons of things I want to see that either aren't available on streaming or cost far more to stream than I pay per disc rental.

Username/comment synergy here

Yeah but the important part is LIONHEAAAAAART

There are days when watching Showgirls is going to cheer you more than another viewing of The Aviator.

I think the phrase itself is just like any other tool - it's how you use it. Undoubtedly there will be some who use it as empty praise because they want to seem "patriotic". But it's also shorthand for real feelings that people have when they don't always have time to launch into full dialogue about it - brief

They might have thought he possesses some talent and a little bit of bankability.