
Didn’t you hear? She’s worked with him for half a decade. HALF A DECADE! That’s like a long time! No one has any secrets from their coworkers after half a whole decade!

But that’s not what she said.

“I believe in a lot of things but the first tenet of my politics is to hold up the people who have held me up, who have filled my world with love.”

I notice that no black women are ever given this kind of social support, not even now, when things have hit the fan and so many are feeling empowered.

You could see this coming from a mile away. Show us the receipts about the extortion or shut up—at least for now. The irony of how un-self-aware she is, for someone whose entire raison d’être is about self-examination, never ceases to amaze me.

I mean.. What’s Dunham’s best case here? That her friend had consensual sex with a minor?

I think she’s more than stupid enough to say this.

The shit icing on the shit cake is she is replying to her teammate...who was molested as a child, so I don’t see how her shit “advice” even applies.

I have a real question for people who preposit these sorts of stupid statements about what women wear. Have they ever spoken to or wondered about all of the nuns and other religious women who wear full body coverings who have been raped and sexually harassed/assaulted? I mean, they can also just google it.

Even so, this form of self-destruction is blindingly glorious. Only passages from The Bhagavad Gita can adequately describe this social disaster.

Lena Dunham is plotting to get rid of white privilege by single handedly using it all up

Headline Correction:

Right? She’d have literally been better off not saying anything if this is what she was going to say.

From a pure PR perspective, why would Dunham and Konner say anything unless it was condemnation toward Miller? This joint statement isn’t just trashy, it’s Carter Page-grade idiocy. Have they learned nothing from Judd Apatow?

This is a bit disturbing or maybe just curious...Why is she so SURE it didn’t happen as Arora Perrineau described? Was she on the scene at the time.. does she have a video.. or does her friend have an ironclad alibi? Surely Lena Duncan isn’t stupid enough to offer such blind loyalty at a time like this.. or maybe she

I believe the family she moved to when she was 14 was super-religious. She’s a super religious woman.

Lena really needs to fuck herself into obscurity. Nobody wants her black fetishizing, rapist defending ass around.

I never understood her appeal. She’s has to be one of the most unfunny and boring people out there. She’s untalented, tedious, monotonous, and a hack. She’s not even white; she’s beige. I really loath her and I hope she just fades into the wall paper.

I think she highlights a very important message for today’s youth. Never tweet. Nothing good can come of it.

The only thing missing from Lena’s bullshit comments was a pussy hat