If the Pope does any background research on who this woman is, he’ll think, “¿Esta sea la idea de Trump de un representante apropiado?”
If the Pope does any background research on who this woman is, he’ll think, “¿Esta sea la idea de Trump de un representante apropiado?”
I think that “Enabler” is the unofficial title for most First Ladies :(
That photo is the stuff of nightmares.
Like Newt, and his mistress-cum-third wife who is our new Ambassador to the Vatican? How do the GOP - and particularly the extreme-Catholic/Opus Dei crowd - wrap their heads around that?
Go. To. Hell. Seriously.
We’ve already heard what that Bill Clinton fella is accused of doing. In fact, a group of men that were cheating on their wives put him on trial for lying about cheating on his wife.
He said, stupidly, after exactly no one here extolled the virtues of Bill Clinton.
“What a coincidence,” I replied. “Y’know who my favorite author is?” I too whispered. He had to lean close to hear me.
It’s going to get worse before it gets better. Burnout is always a problem in this field, but it’s growing exponentially. It’s kind of scary to see, because our area is already pretty underserved. If someone leaves, it may take a while to replace them. A mass exodus would be catastrophic, and I can only imagine this…
Dear Trumpanzees:
I’m so tired of draining this swamp. And winning.
I think this sufficiently fulfilled my confirmation bias as to why I don’t need to go chasing ripped abs. My goal really is to reduce the fat around my stomach since that supposedly is directly correlated to the fat around your heart so once my waist size is reasonable, I’m good.
Word. I know some people who dedicate so much to their abs. At the cost of who knows what else?
This story reminded me of this:
Dirty secret is that if you want to look like the fitness models you need to be dangerously dehydrated (for the competition or photoshoot) and probably also abuse ephedrine (stimulant thermogenics) and other PEDs.
Like I have that white friend I hung out with for years and I didn’t have the realization of “Oh! You’re white!” until we’re hanging out late one night in Salt Lake City (long story, also late in SLC is 10pm), half drunk and hopped up on Aderoll AND THIS FOOL WALK UP TO A COP AND ASKS HIM FOR DIRECTION TO A BAR.
wait you started eating less than half as much and you’ve been losing a lot of wait? that’s crazy.
Whenever you have someone IN YOUR CUSTODY, consent lines are blurry.
I’m not surprised by this. When I went to the police for protection Against an abusive ex boyfriend who was posting my private photos and address on Craigslist (telling men to come have their way with me) and stalking and harassing me.....the cops took my private photos and passed them around the station. Said they…
I think that’s true for shedding larger amounts of weight, but that last little bit of visible belly fat can be a whole different story. I got my act together a while ago and got back down into the “normal” BMI range, but that doesn’t mean I’ve got a washboard situation going on down there.