People point to Martin Shkreli and Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller, but this fuckin’ guy... HE has the most punchable face.
People point to Martin Shkreli and Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller, but this fuckin’ guy... HE has the most punchable face.
When the NFL is calling you out for white supremacy you know you fucked up.
Andrew Jackson is dead. We could probably cross him out too.
Have you ever been to Arizona?
Holy shit. That’s amazing that all of those schmucks are out except for Mother Pence’s husband.
Hopefully this asshole
He also insists on being called “Dr. Gorka”. If I ever meet him I’m going to make a point of calling him “Mr. Gorka”.
Damn, that’s rich. It’s always those dudes who boast a little too much about their war service. They’re always complete fucking frauds. I’m looking at you, Jesse Ventura and dead Chris Kyle.
God I wish Gorka would fuck off, if only because he likes to play up his British Army bullshit “oh I was in a super secret Intel unit who hunted down the IRA”.
Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.
i have never thought whilst crying that I should take and post a pic. I see this all the time with people taking selfies of their panic attacks too. Smh
There’s something about that picture (the smeared eye makeup? the thumbs up? the need to post it to begin with?) that rubs me the wrong way.
Teenagers/young adults throughout history have craved attention and this is no different, they just have the ability to reach a much larger audience these days.
He probably cheated, but why would they want to have this fight in public? I’m baffled by the youths and their need to post their relationship drama on social media.
Haha! I just noticed her. After awhile she just gives up, like “What am I doing with my hands now?”
the poor white lady lol
It’s a Lord of the Rings thing, though in this picture Gollum also resembles Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.
“And he disrespectd the Wu-Tang Clan.”
He looks like Gollum in that rendering. The artist did a great job.
Martin Shkreli out for a morning jog: