
“Ugh! Why do people have so many demands and criticisms?! Why can we just have a tv show that displays in graphic detail the horrors and pain of a marganalized population that is still suffering from the affects of said institution. It’s called fantasy, people!Fiction! Man in the High Castle blah blah blah.”

Studio Head: OK OK fine. What if the slave is light skin, like a rihanna slave. That’s better right?

I have never enjoyed any of the alternate histories that I have read. There are enough lessons to learn in our own real history. They also often devolve into sci-fi anyway.

Also, “It’s a science-fiction show” ??? I’m baffled by this statement.

Studio head: Yes, I said affair. It’s not rape if the woman is wearing light fabric and there’s soft lighting in the shot... I’m confused... what do you mean by “coercion” and what is consent? We don’t have time for those buzzwords. Just use soft lighting!

Or how about, in the 1940's blacks start arming themselves.. so that by the 1950's lots of racial killings start happening - blacks killing whites, so that by the 1960's, there’s a full blown race war in the streets of america and by the 1970's shit has fully deteriorated and america is invaded by the brits again who

Studio Head: A female slave should have a hot steamy affair with the master, get pregnant by him and then decide to stay a slave. That’s great. I love it. Does Lupita want to do it? Someone get Lupita on the phone.

I’m telling you, we’re probably 10 years away from Eddie Redmayne portraying Malcolm X in a BBC adaptation.

(Was going to cite a good thread by Adam Serwer, but his Twitter is acting up, at least for me).

Yeah I think we had this conversation before. That’s the kind of alt-history that is interesting.


How bout an alternative history that shows black people rising up and killing all the slave owners?

Studio Head: So what your saying is, this is a story about black resilience, self determination with no good white people? I don’t get it.

I just hope that people recognize that every sex scene between a master and a slave should be considered rape.

These are interesting concepts, but... none of them have a foundation of black pain, suffering, and exploitation. So, it’s gonna be a “no” from the big studios.

How nice would it be to have an alt-history where Europe and the US hadn’t fucked over the rest of the world with colonialism and White Supremacy? Then you could actually examine how fucked up their actions have been and the consequences everyone experiences to this day.

I’ll say it again: I would totally watch a show about if Nat Turner’s rebellion succeeded.

This is likely where the question of mental health comes. Maybe she ultimately DGAF about the son, but realized she had to at least act like it because the death would out, causing her to lose her (preferred?/wanted?) daughter.

It’s crappy when anybody does this. It’s crappy not to leave a tip. It’s even crappier to do it because of race not bad service. And it’s even crappier still to write it on the receipt so they know how crappy you are.

Eh. Assholes be assholes. In Austin we’re dealing with the deluge of people moving into “the live music capital of the world’s” downtown area and complaining so hard about said live music the city enacts noice ordinances that within a year cause some of the most cherished venues in the city to either relocate or close.