
Windy pop! I’m dying! That’s amazing!

Also, canteloupes are, like, $2.99 each, and I’m pretty sure if you’re fucking it then it’s single use. It’s probably more cost effective to just get a halfway decent fleshlight.

I mean, Joffrey Baratheon’s mother was loyal to him after his death and neither of them are good people, so, y’know. Sometimes assholes are loyal to assholes.

I realize that this doesn’t help LW1 now, but just some general advice: if you find yourself in the position of having to say to a person you’re dating, “I need you to promise not to contact [former romantic interest] because I know you have unresolved feelings for them,” you should probably instead say, “This has

People can overlook a lot if they really want to believe something. It can be seductive to believe that the only thing between you and extreme wealth is getting just right with God. If that’s what you really want to believe, then it follows that you would see Joel Osteen not as a huckster and a fraud, but as proof

I feel like it’s because they know they’re kind of shitty and rather than fix that by learning some shit or getting super fit or becoming a kind, helpful person, they just look for someone to tell them that actually their suspicion that they suck is incorrect and, in fact, they’re inherently better than those other

Pretty sure the white version of The Nutty Professor is just the 1963 Jerry Lewis version.

New Hampshire is 100% the Alabama of New England.

If she’s even pregnant. Seems like there’s a good chance she’s lying to Jamie to keep him in line.

The problem is there’s always that one couple that started in infidelity and then they were married for fifty years and died within ten minutes of each other while holding hands surrounded by their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren. It’s like the people who rationalize away the dangers of smoking

Exactly. If you really are one of the good ones, it’s not your words that will prove it. It’s your actions.  

I’m really uncomfortable with the idea that rape always ruins someone’s life. It’s awful and for some people, yes, it does ruin his or her life. But many people recover and go on to lead healthy, happy lives. The idea that rape always means total, life obliterating trauma is used by rape skeptics to cast doubt on

I don’t see that information either and it’s kind of important. Because ultimately, if he was behaving in a way that made it seem like there was a likelihood that he was going to shoot them with a guy that could be real, then, yeah, okay, maybe. But if it was just that he wouldn’t put the gun down but also wasn’t

I think I remember that there were serious complications with the pregnancy and birth of their child to the point where he very nearly died. I have friends who went through something similar and one of the couple basically said, “No way are we ever doing that again. I just cannot risk that happening again.”

The “LOL” at the end makes me think it was the teenager who did this. My husband and I had a friend who would sometimes steal the tip we left off the table once we walked away (he quickly became an ex-friend when we realized he was doing that). Teenagers, of all races, often don’t tip.

Here are a few of mine:

Along with “losing touch” with his father’s whole family. That suggests that the father found out or decided that the child wasn’t his. I’ve known a lot of families where the father decided he didn’t want to be part of his biological child’s life—but the father’s parents usually want to continue to have a

That’s all there is to being a woman, right? Like, that’s the main difference between being a man and a woman, right? I mean, what else could there possibly be?

As Dan Savage says, “I’m not just a person, I’m also a piece of meat.” Sometimes it’s really nice to be manhandled a bit.

Also, we tend to treat addiction as though it’s just a moral failing. Like, if you were just tougher, just stronger, just had more moral fortitude, you could kick this thing. And I think it leads people to try to do it themselves because it will prove that they’re strong. Beating addiction is tough enough when you