Rose hip oil is excellent, but it is best to use it diluted to a 10% concentration. I learned this by spreading it all over my face and then breaking out like crazy.
Rose hip oil is excellent, but it is best to use it diluted to a 10% concentration. I learned this by spreading it all over my face and then breaking out like crazy.
Really? Very interesting. Where did you read this? This is completely contrary to what I've read about lavender, so I'd love to give it a read.
I think that Paul Begoun is out to lunch about a few things. But, you're right, you probably shouldn't be spreading pure lavender oil all over your face all day long.…
As a mother, I absolutely can not imagine having to make that decision. How completely and utterly tragic, and to think that is just one of countless stories.
I'm so happy to see so many replies in support of keeping your hair long. I'm 29, and a mother of two. I often wonder if I'm approaching an age where I can no longer wear my hair in it's current mermaid style.
"They" as in attachment parents? Don't you think the fact attachment parenting has been practiced for millennia by many, many cultures around the world is demonstrative of the fact that it's not a bull shit trend? Trends don't tend to permeate multiple cultures and last for thousands of years.
Why do you think that attachment parenting is bullshit?
Why do you think that attachment parenting is bull shit?
I, too, had pet rats growing up. They were the sweetest.
Yet they carry parenting books instructing parents to use such discipline methods as hitting 3 month old babies with a switch? I have also heard that they carry books about grooming children for molestation, and other paedophilia related materials. Does anyone know if this is true?
I just googled NuBra, and I'm amazed. They really work? They look perfect for backless dresses!
The problem is that you're not mixing your watercress with maca powder and blue green algae. It really helps it go down nice and smooth.
Everyone knows that watercress is the new kale. C'mon...
Have you given birth? It's exhausting! If I wanted a meaty placenta smoothie after giving birth, I would definitely hire someone else to make it for me.
I thought that children were no longer allowed to be any farther than 10 feet from a parent at all times? No need for GPS if you're constantly breathing down their little necks, right?
You deserve all the stars.