
to be fair, I still thinks it’s easier to rename a file by just clicking on the file name

Did they steal images from my sister-in-law’s iPhone...?

I have 120,000+


33,126 here!

I wouldn't even know where to begin...


A month ago I sold my house in the burbs (for a tidy little profit) and started renting in lowertown Saint Paul. A lot of these reasons are spot on for my situation.

This is false, minimalism is about using less stuff not about getting rid of stuff. You should have used all those pens and clothes until they were worn and raggedy, not thrown them out.

I disagree about the need for a title search. How would “they” “already prove the previous owner’s title is legitimate” without a review of the land records to determine that there is in fact a deed to the previous owner? How do you know who really owns the house if you don’t do a search?

I only really went for breakfast, so I never had the nachos, but the Chilaquiles with chicken are basically breakfast nachos. Definitely my favorite item on the breakfast menu!

YES. I was commenting to say the same thing. My family has been going to Cabo San Lucas for years and I grew up going to the Pueblo Bonito Rose as a kid. Since my siblings and I went off to college, we’ve traded for Casa Dorada (right next to The Office...yum!). Maybe its because I’ve spent so much time there, but

What? If you’re not using Bluetooth and you don’t want push email, why would you have them turned on? And at no point do I suggest all these things are all about resources, that’s absolutely not the case, most of this stuff is just things I find annoying, which is what I point out at the start.

The movie is SPECTACULAR, but I do get you. It goes for 3:something hours. It’s not one of those “I’ll watch it every week”. The stuff sinks in deep, and when you think about re-watching to catch on to something you missed, you remember the duration of it. I keep post-poning watching it again too.

The option to “rent” a movie for 3 or 4 dollars makes buying it unpalatable. Sure, I’ll buy movies I really, really enjoy and want to own, but I’d have to watch it 4+ times to make buying it cheaper than renting a digital copy. Maybe if you’re buying kids’ movies it makes sense to own a copy that you can play time and

I do a similar thing when it comes to entertainment. I’m a big video game person, so my goal is usually about “$1 an hour”. 40 hours of gameplay on a $40 game is a good deal for me, especially when I can easily log 200 hours on some of my favorites games. It can be way harder to get that ratio for most other media

“The final dog days of summer?” Dude, it’s August 1st.

Albert did re-tweet this

This is clearly explained in the article. I recommend reading it.

You got a real attitude problem, Lussler. You’re a slacker. You remind me of your father when he posted here. He was a slacker, too.