
The debate is between public/private schools and for-profit colleges and their practices of attracted students. It’s not a taxes debate.

State run and real private schools like the Duke’s in the world are good. Crap like the U of Phoenix, etc. are bad. It’s a fact.

I attended a private for-profit school for 1 semester and got the heck out of there ASAP. The school I attended was “founded” as a business school but I attended as a health sciences student. Just thinking about that fact alone tells me realize how worthless that degree would look on a resume.

Public schools are not as bad. Not even close. Show me an example of a public school being sued into oblivion for shady practices and I’ll change my tune.

I get a little nervous bladder before runs too. Even if I’m all emptied out. I ran a marathon in October and held off on my nervous pee until Mile 11. But I peed about 30 times before the run started. I was nervous.

@alanhenry had an 8-bit wreath he showed on Lifehacker years ago.

Someone looking for me? Been a long time!

Someone looking for me? Been a long time!

Consider this fact I learned while touring Leinies which is owned by MillerCoors; they get to try to make a bunch of beers and if they fail it doesn’t kill the brewery. If a small-independent brewery tries something new and it fails that brewery is probably done.

I know, I know. I just hate the idea of paying off this student loan until I’m 47 years old. I guess the repayment plan I signed up for when I graduated (extended re-payment, or something) doesn’t allow me to make additional payments on the principal even if I wanted to it would go to interest.

I owe $28k in grad school loans with 14 years left. I’m contemplating a home equity loan to pay it off in 10 with less interest (currently paying 6.675% and could be paying 4.5%).

Just upgraded my work PC from 7 to 10. 10 is real solid so far. No issues with old software, no crashes, new Edge browser is pretty solid, customization is good.

I’m going back to them next year. I only used them for 5 years and then decided to try something different (Saucony’s one year, Brooks the next) and that only resulted in hip pain after long runs (10+ miles). Never had that problem with the GT-2000’s.

I’m going back to them next year. I only used them for 5 years and then decided to try something different

the weight slamming and loud breathing that follows. the out-breath and sigh after slamming a couple of 30’s back on the barbell rack. Congrat’s bro. Now get back to work.

You could and should use Complete Dumbass. +1 for being a grown up! Welcome, the water’s warm!

we’re really using the term “retarded”? Can we be adults?

The addition of extensions, once available, will make Photo’s immensely better in my opinion. Looking forward to browsing through pics, editing in Pixelmater, and having them all back in Photo’s together and pushed out to my iDevices.

10,000+ emails! C’mon man!

AlphaDog20 - yeah, I’m still full of myself today too.

and Lowertown is becoming a pretty cool spot in St. Paul. I used to work down there 10 years ago and it was sleepy but recently went back for an event and was surprised at the activity downtown.