
The people need these answers!

People visiting Mpls complain the light rail doesn't go anywhere. What they fail to understand is the system is fairly new (about 10-12 years old). The first leg connected the Mall of America, MSP International Airport, and downtown Mpls. The second leg extendes from downtown Mpls to downtown St. Paul and a third leg

I'm gonna watch yesterday's game a couple of times a year.

First line, second sentence.

How is that karma? Green Bay didn't want him anymore. It would have been karma if MN had beaten GB to get to the Super Bowl.

You can use Indeed to search for job title by location. That's how I found my job - 6 miles from my house. No freeway. Thank you Indeed!

WWSF? (What would Sherlock Find?)

Asked me buddy, he said 'lick a fart' and we moved on. Good advice in my opinion

TIL some new civil rights stuff. Good. It's not an area I know much about nor an area I seek out new information.

Ah ha. Not common knowledge I guess.

Bridgewater, AP, Jennings, Fitzgerald - let's go!

I have a 4.5 year old that I sorta-kinda pushed Lego's on and I'm really excited he's into it because I loved playing with them. It really takes me back to being a kid. I reclaimed all my old toys from my parents house and cleaned each Lego individually.

Makes sense. Jay already got away with it; Adnan did not. If Adnan can get out then they both got away with it.

I think they both know something but I don't think they did it together. Why hold the lies for this long? And why are they holding different lies? I mean, Jay's reason to continue lying is obvious - he got off mostly free. But Adnan could throw Jay under the bus and at least get him thrown in jail too.

I've re-imagined my day from the moment I wake up. Usually get's my mind off whatever is keeping me awake.

Wife and I lucked out - 2 May birthday's. It's almost perfect. We get a fresh allotment of toys almost 6 months apart. We just did our pre-xmas toy purge and boxed up a lot of stuff. As a parent of an 18 month old and a 4.5 year old we're finding the 18 month old is "skipping" a lot of toys in his age group and play's

Hated that catch. I'm a Vikings fan and I was in college watching the game with a bunch of Packer rubes and they couldn't believe how the Vikings quit on the play. The snide Wisconsin assholes assume their precious little title-town team can make plays like that. Still hate it. And their QB's. Except in 2009. No, this

Runkeeper is fantastic! Just a simple way to manually log your miles. I know it has more advanced features but I just wanted an app that would allow me to remember how much I've been or not been running.