
I use the same device and though my clasp works I prefer to put the device in my pocket. I've done several ten mile and half marathon runs with it and the distance ran is never correct. On my last half marathon (13.1 miles) it claimed I ran 12.5 miles. A friend was using a Garmin GPS watch and it stated he ran 13.2

It's lazy fucking parenting and you're a lazy fucking parent.

I use CytoSport from Costco. I don't know the source of protein or any real details. I tried a smaller size of Target brand vanilla flavored and did not like it as much. I switched to chocolate and it was much better. But I have a sweet tooth. That probably plays a role in my preference too.

Think it would work on Legos? I got all my Legos from my moms house a couple years ago when I started having kids. Now that they are old enough to play Legos I'd love to take them out but they all smell like smoke.

Your both wrong. Come west, check out MN. We're 2nd to Oregon for beer-vana destinations.

I like Currently a lot. I installed it on all our conference room PC's and it always gets complemented. Better than the standard company logo/group shot you usually see. Everyone wants to know the weather!

I blend all my veggies (carrots, kale, spinach) with chocolate protein powder, yogurt, and fruits. Usually the fruit flavor and chocolate flavor take out the veggie flavor. Great way to eat healthy and work some veggies into your diet.

He's a Salesforce admin. The Salesforce apps are not great and limited to do any real system admin stuff for Salesforce. A Chromebook would offer a cheap way to access all of Salesforce and make some on-the-fly changes to the system.

I went with Sharebuilder. I started with an ING savings account that became a Cap 1 360 shavings account. I transferred money from the 360 account to Sharebuilder after doing my own research and deciding how to invest. I guess It's a little of the DIY method but with a site not listed. I have contacted Sharebuilder

So let me get this straight ... You bought and then ripped Spider Man 3?

Minnesota - Admirably average!

I agree with everything you say.

A co-worker uses an 11 inch. I feel like the screen is too small. I'm currently using a 13 inch. Did you down-size to the 11 from a 13? What are your thoughts?

Just saw this from The Wirecutter and I'm pretty sure my next Apple computer will be an Air with the i5. Very helpful.

Severus - you've changed.

True. But we call them skyways ... east coast snobs :/

The Minneapolis market appears to support a new office high rise but we have a bunch (3-4) residential towers nearing 30-40 floors. It's quite remarkable. Here's an article about a future skyscraper that references all other new high rises; http://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/pri…

Tried that once in SC2000. Crime was out of control.