
I dont think you have kept up with the news.

And? it takes a LONGGG time to build a nuclear reactor too, and thats after you get permission to start which is pretty hard to come by. Then there’s the massive expense of building & maintaining them, and then maintaining them and their storage pools lONGNNGG after they’ve stopped producing power.

I believe Elon Musk already went over that when he launched the PowerWall. That’s just one workable solution. Granted it would take massive infrastructure build out and money, but in the long run its a far better solution.

That is old thinking. There is no excuse now why we can’t be powered by Wind & Solar 100% of the time other than money and time.

Tell that to the fish around Fukushima.

Yes we can. Utility scale batteries etc. Thats just an excuse.

In the US he’d have probably taken a couple clips in the back from the police response before he even got out of the store.

Yeah I’m not hurting for cash and $1k for what I consider a toy is a bit much. I was hoping this would be like $300 then I’d be looking for it on amazon.

This has to be the most poorly researched article on gizmodo in at least a week. For one, see your update. Two, the pumpkins you use for carving are not for baking. Third, what you want for baking is sweet pumpkins. Having baked an ACTUAL sugar pumpkin, pumpkin pie, and having had ones from cans for all my life

isn’t this a university? They already have the bandwidth and likely the wireless coverage as well in the debate hall. Money grab.

I have a daughter thats graduated HS thanks.

Well she’s likely getting her sexuality on with guys her age, so, thats a woman. And she’s defenitly fully functional as a woman by then. So, underage woman is appropriate. “Adult” defenition is “fully grown or developed”, NOT equal to 18, that’s stictly an arbitrary law in the US.

yeah, I’m for the idea of increasing the age requirement to smoke one year every year until its eventually phased out.

“as well as federal regulation of post-sale software updates, like with Tesla’s wireless updates,”

Humans are fallible, nothing would EVER eliminate human errors on the roads. EVER.

Great, now we’ll have old people bitching about repealing ObamaCars for years now too.

well they definitely won’t be copying the shift to lightning. And I think poor sales will convince them not to drop the plug after awhile. When you actually have competition, you can’t just remove features most people want. Apple doesn’t have competition because their customers typically buy whatever Apple sells and

I just bought some BT headphones for like $16. you don’t have to drop $160 for Apple’s crap.

ok, well they could have moved it somewhere else. Samsung manages to fit a whole pen in their phone.

I’m sure that is only the tiniest bit of the tip of his giant shafting of the environment if he gets in. Any regulation and protection will be for sale.