What?? I love The Cave! It’s hilarious and super fun to play with other people.
What?? I love The Cave! It’s hilarious and super fun to play with other people.
Bandai published at least some of the Budokai games, so that explains that. Not sure about Okami though.
Nope, but hating ‘social justice warriors’ is super cool right now.
I looked up her picture in the Hyrule Warriors art book and her name is リンクル, but I didn’t watch the direct. Did they change it to リンコ?
Just a little correction real quick! It’s not really accurate to say it didn’t get a single upvote, if you look over on the right it says the post is 35% upvoted. So it’s not that nobody upvoted, just that more people downvoted.
Do you need a safe space?
I was trying to make it extremely obvious but it is definitely a joke.
Did you just refer to Kim Swift as your “very good friend”??? I’m sorry but now you are never ever ever allowed to talk about Portal, Amazon Game Studio, Quantum Conundrum (or Square Enix), or Valve or Left 4 Dead because you are friends and that would be COLLUSION
They better not increase the frequency/length/annoying-ness of ads to get me to pay to get rid of them or something.
Yeah, but think about how much less interesting those movies would be if you had to watch them in chronological order.
Richard, you are the best!!
I would absolutely buy the Anita Sarkeesian controller. That thing is badass.
Seriously, who is even left to kill?
Who’s that guy in the white t shirt? I’ve definitely seen him before.
Really? WOW. Soon as I finally put down MGSV I’m definitely gonna get this.
GRMike: It’s unbelievable. It’s so unbelievable, buddy.
I guess now I have to play this damn game.
I would also like to wait until at least the second one is out, but I’m in the same boat as you. It looks so cool I might not make it.