
I was about 1000% sure this was never coming over here.

Just finished William Gibson's Bridge Trilogy and then started Cloud Atlas.
They're good.

Whoa whoa whooooa, they have a new album coming out??? Yesssssssss

Or turn the volume down and stop crying about it.

Well, I wouldn't actually destroy it, but I am absolutely against wearing a shirt could be interpreted as saying 'rape' on it. I mean, if I saw someone wearing something that just said "RAPE" on it I would be disgusted.
I still think I'm completely justified having worn it innocently not realizing what it looks like

I'm going to go look at at it and make sure it doesn't look like that in person or destroy it

From Shigeru Miyamoto himself:
"If you're familiar with things like Popeye and some of the old comic characters, you would oftentimes see this cast of characters that takes on different roles depending on the comic or cartoon. They might be businessman in one [cartoon] or a pirate in another. Depending on the story

I still really want to play it but I'm a little bit disappointed by that.

"Are your fries vegetarian friendly?
At this time, none of our menu items are certified as vegetarian or vegan. The oil our suppliers use to partially fry our World Famous Fries has a natural beef flavoring, which also contains hydrolyzed milk as a starting ingredient, added to enhance the taste. "

Genshiken is the best!!!

You have to keep in mind that some people think liking anime at all is pretty weird, so wanting to look at naked anime characters is beyond next-level deviance.

Bullshit or not, you only have to look at the comments for this very article to understand Valve's decision:
"I think people that are into nude anime stuff have perverse issues.... I honestly think the gov should label people that look at this stuff as potential pedophiles. "
"Why is there animated child porn on Steam

"Hopefully I'm wrong but I'm willing to bet that if the Hatred developers announced they were being "forced" to censor stuff to appear on Steam more shit would hit the fan than whatever's happening now with these eroge getting censored."
I am pretty much 100% sure you are not wrong.

Smosh is 100% terrible but I thought the teens playing Mega Man was hilarious.

Panacea and eidolon. Pretty sure I've never heard either of those words outside of video games more than 3 times put together.

His sprite is pretty muscular, but in the majority of the art he is comparatively small.

That's about how he looks in the Alpha games, Street Fighter IV Ryu is a monster.

I just wanted to clarify that you were incorrect about the fact that the game DOES have choices before people just believe what you are saying like The Real Kanra up there.