
Do you know why we stopped the car again?

My GOD is that sludgy.

Tekken 3 only.

I dunno, for me it was pretty good. Yakuza 5, Day of the Tentacle, Super Time Force, Shovel Knight and the Street Fighter V gameplay all got me pretty fired up.



Season 1 of VM is probably about as good as television gets.
BUT my favorite cancelled-too-early series is without a doubt Frisky Dingo. I'm really happy that a lot of running gags have made their way to Archer, but it doesn't scratch the Frisky Dingo itch.

Trying to cash in on the success of Hatoful Boyfriend AND the "Whatever Simulator" trend at once! Very advanced move.

"They have all of the Halo builds that ever got into the public. The rules: 'Don't give this to anyone. For any reason. Ever.'"

I never watch a trailer of something I already know I'm going to watch/buy/play/whatever. Especially with a new generation of pokemon games. Why would I want to see the new pokemon and totally shatter the sense of discovery? My friends do it and I feel like they are ruining the whole game for themselves, but I guess

It sounds like I also heard Chris Hardwick and Troy Baker in there as well.

I was sold on Cyber Sleuth the second I heard the name. CYBER SLEUTH. That sounds amazing!!! But eventually I had to stop keeping track of it as it was becoming pretty obvious it's never coming over here. It's funny that they'll develop a whole crappy game like DASR before translating a good one.

Tricking someone into going here and then getting the treatment would be amazing, especially if they don't understand the language.

SHOOT. That's what I meant :(

This guy's art is amazing

That's some good shit.
I see that Will Swan is their guitarist, which explains why it is amazing

This band is so fucking good. I hated this album when it first came out 'cause it sounded too different from 'First Temple', but when I came around I listened to it non-stop for about 3 weeks.