
I’ll be sitting a corner crying that I can’t have my collector’s replica of a system I both physically own and can emulate with extreme ease. But really, I won’t miss it this time. Last time I didn’t catch the limited nature of the system. This time I do. (and If I do miss it, then I will not resort to scalpers)

I got flamed earlier because many people assume Nintendo has a warehouse with stock somewhere that they don’t distribute when you say artificial scarcity. I really don’t think Nintendo has a stack of units sitting somewhere in a warehouse, that would be like gaming-fort-knox XD.

Seems legit, there’s something to be said about using left-over components from Wii manufacturing too, the controllers use that Wii remote extention after all. If the NES mini reprint has different controller plugs, then that theory would be strengthened.

Inb4 you get a deluge of comments, downplayed production capacity is a word I came up with to more accurately describe what Nintendo is probably doing (i.e. not producing max capacity like normal, but also not producing to maximum sales capacity too) It all does seem a little to planned out to me. But I am happy they

I love how great news like this still draws ire from fans. Sure Nintendo’s messaging is confusing, but still, having missed out on the NES classic, I’m happy they are reproducing. This time, I won’t miss it.

There are people like me who play exclusively Nintendo games. I think I’m of a rare breed though. And yes, Not only have I never played Skyrim, I’ve also kept myself largely spoiler free should this day ever arrive. Maybe I’ll write something to TAY about my experience living this classic game for the first time.

This needs more stars and attention. Kotaku tends to glamourize the sex industry, but added revenue means more demand for these slaves. This is the number one reason I’d ask them to stop. The sex industry is a dark and nasty place.

The setting intrigues me, and since I only play Nintendo (Time, budget, family life and all that jazz), I never picked up or even seriously considered the game originally. The big question of course is how many people like me are out there. I always feel in the supreme minority as a Nintendo-only gamer (most people

O wow, I did XD. Guess I’ll play my not-native-speaker card again. Sorry about that. Thought i was taking trollbait, but all I have is egg on my face

Bait taken. I’ll splat your face with motion controls anyday.

Probably an easier title to port (especially since they appearantly were already in the remake phase). Besides that though, I don’t know much about Red Dead, but I guess that since you play a “good guy” in this game, it’s a better game to market to the Nintendo crowd (which seems to favour light-hearted games over

Pretty sure that’s on purpose. Indie devs are praising the ease of porting for the Switch, so getting the base-game on Switch was probably some kind of experiment for Rockstar. Add in some Switch specifics to make this game marketable and you have a low-cost market test to see if it sells. And colour me interested.

Geez man, I accept this and am interested, Besides, it has Switch specific extra’s, so it’s not exactly a lazy port. Besides, I would hope other companies do this too. Skyrim is one, but playing Final Fantasy VII on a Nintendo console would be downright cathartic. Modern Warfare 4 (remasterd or no) would not get my

Mario Tennis is made by Camelot, Golden Sun is made by Camelot, heck no more Mario Tennis, get me Golden Sun 4 STAT.

You’re giving me some serious Pokemon Stadium vibes XD. Including me wishing I could play other 3DS games on my Switch that way, but lamenting the fact that it only does Pokemon, (and some unexpected but severely minor other things like say Mario Tennis)

And now for the required serious take on this funny comment:

needs more stars

Seconded for Puyo Puyo, havn’t played a 2D game on Switch yet, but I imagin it’s great for Street Fighter too.

That’s star for you and one new GIF for me XD.

Just lookup taiwan on Wikipedia, I just did a quick read through, and it’s interesting history. Long story short, Taiwan is de-facto an independent nation called the republic of China, (So basically another China). Only 19 UN nations and the vatican recognize the Republic of China (Taiwan) though, in order to not