
I wasn’t bothered by it. In fact I never put that subtext with it while playing. The assessment is very valid though. And in one of the first series to have a strong female protagonist it’s very unfortunate to have such a subtext, so it deserves to get flak for it. Still, if you see it for the gameplay mechanic that

My limited japanese skills suggest that Kingdom (ou-koku) is hard to mistranslate. There is however a big chance that the japanese names do not say Kingdom at all but that it is a Treehouse decision. So basically, for the English version the Treehouse team makes the rules and if they call it Kingdoms, then it’s

Speaking of Samus, Ninja theory dared to give Samus internal mother issues. (They were admittatel very heavy-handed). But I really like the idea that Samus was basically struggeling with PTSD for losing what she considered her child. I thought this was daring and a problem that only very powerfull women can truly

While I love your insight and I agree with you. The simple fact that men and women do not earn the same wages for the exact same job means we still have inequality. So the “popular narrative construction” as you eloquently put it, is pretty much helpfull in the battle for true equality. So I guess my point is: just

You’ve been getting a lot of flak for this comment. But as a European (Dutch) myself. It seems America is really center-stage for equal digital representation of women and people of colour. In most European countries, games aren’t taken seriously enough for there to be a public outcry on “damsel in distress” tropes.

This looks so fantastic. And the gameplay makes it stand out from the other platformers, (something Wooly World kinda lacked).

Sigh, guess I’ll have to save up to go to japan, how frightfully annoying.

Sigh, guess I’ll have to save up to go to japan, how frightfully annoying.

Secondes for the side-quest hell

Hats off to you for the pun

Jumping in. Galaxy kickstarted basically what was defined in 3D land and world, which is the linearity of 2D in 3D enironments. So it’d say linear 3D games. (Galaxy 1 had some 3D stages but even those were pretty linear G2 had even less 3D stages)

They mentioned in the Treehouse stream that button movements is possible and reportitley harder. Still, you’ll need to be able to play this game in handheld mode, and motion controls on the bus are a definite no-no, so yeah, motion controls are 100% optional.

I don’t know, the fact that you have to basically stand still to aim diagonally kind off slows it down. The counter move speeds it back up though. I think you should go in thinking more prime or Super fluency then Zero or Fusion though. I’ve this nagging feeling that the fluency of the GBA games won’t get translated

The PR hack in you should have noticed that this title is tentative and gets the message acros superfast. It may not be an actual Prime 4, heck it could fall into the mainline story. But it does say it retains the gamplay style of the Prime games, and the way 4 goes into the screw attack nebula was just the right

Well you got me with a good argument there, anecdotal it may be. If anything, now that my generation are becoming parents, I hope the we’ll know the difference between Candy Crush and Super Mario Bros. One last forever, the other brings top quality games and is cheaper in the long run.

Handheld gaming I grant to some degree, as Nintendo isn’t really able to launch another Touch Generations series of games. These would be avoided due to their 40 price tag as opposed to the f2p games on mobile.

Here in the Netherlands, console gaming has only ever been growing. Much of this has to do with my generation being in their 30's and have grown up with games. Our culture doesn’t have much room for gaming as an adult still. Mobile gaming is different. Nobody minds you playing some form of tetris or candy crush on the

The dumb thing about mobile gaming is that investors and speculators have said that it eats into the home console and pc markets. This is lunacy. It adds to the market pulling lots of people who either don’t game, or still game besides their phone.

The original BG&E had dutch subs and voice acting (to this day highly unique). I hope that when this game launches in 2020 that it has that again and that the dutch localizers drop the profanity. I loved everything about this trailer except for the language. That really put me off.

This made my morning. Now just to clean up all that coffee I snorted out laughing.