
I saw Destino at the Hollywood Bowl with a live orchestra playing the music for the movie. Great film!

Really cool to hear about the possible public use of space telescopes! Imagine hundreds of mini Hubbles open to universities around the world!

They are on both sides of the street crossing.

Paint what? The stumps that are there are on both sides of the street.

My understanding is that you dont need any agreement or licensing to play anything over the radio in the united states. Maybe I am wrong though. I also remember that the music industry fought tooth and nail trying to make that not so. Nothing like trying to control what the world can and cannot listen to.

The musicians dont have much a choice as they are owned by the labels.

theater nachos... /puke

Dont really need lumbar support in 0 gravity. Landing and take off would be the only time you would feel anything and while taking off you would be on your back anyway.

How do you measure the temperature of nothing like the vacuum of space?

@Mikael Siirilä

Why is the use of this in riot control disturbing?

Why do you think that it will only be able to fire at the stated speed? Seeing as how the rate of the projectile would vary with the amount of power used I would think that making the weapon able to vary the velocity of its projectile would be fairly simple. Perhaps I am wrong

Its the smaller birds you have to be more wary of. The larger ones have redundancy systems and are better designed for hard/crash landings.

The way we withdraw from these places is by replacing fewer and fewer people.

I think thats why he likes to mind his own business.

You do realize that abortion for this reason leads to lower crime rates right?

Now playing

Yup. There are plenty of people doing First-Person-Video with RC planes and helicopters. It is kinda a cool hobby that I hope to one day get into. Some people get some pretty intense rigs set up with tracking antennas.

Do these people that are distrustful of academics trust politicians or lawyers? I think I know more people who hate/distrust lawyers and politicians than I know who distrust/hate academics.

I am currently stuck on 10.5 and in order to jump up to 10.7 I need to first move to 10.6. This wouldn't be a big deal except my optical drive broke from me dropping the laptop while going through airport security on my way back to iraq from R&R. Updating to 10.7 requires the use of the mac app store which is not

Yup So Cal.