
He wasn't told what his offense was. Being detained for a reason no one is willing to tell you is ridiculous! Especially for such a petty crime like this which just came into effect a month ago. This does not seem, to me at least, to be the best way to go about "trying to educate residents of the rule".

Kids threatened to beat you up for voting on a tv show? I cant believe you. We had that back when I went to school, but no one really cared much about what was on it enough to really do a mock vote for some kiddy news show that took up the first ten minutes of your day. You must have been like a small rosa parks

That would get dirty so fast

Yes... but these people are Americans. So naturally Americans are concerned. I would imagine that for the people living in the countries mentioned above they would have also been concerned with what has happening to their people.


Seems more like a type of twitch or spasm like restless leg syndrome. I get that every now and again when I try to sleep. You can hold it in, but something inside you tingles so much that you have to move your foot for some stupid reason. Maybe more like itching from a bad sunburn that just gets worse and worse when

Wow! Never thought about that, but it makes total sense. Thanks for that.

With gas prices as low as they are in the states, how little it costs to operate a car legally on the roads out there and how the infrastructure is already built can you blame them for not wanting to abandon their cars?

The trains here in Germany are incredible! Also very clean! Really blew my mind away traveling by rail for the first time out here.

"conspiring to commit copyright infringement"

We need more yield signs and roundabouts or traffic circles in the US

I do really like the yellow notification light they have out here in Germany! Having their traffic lights on the same side of the stopped traffic (as apposed to across the street like in the states) has to be the most annoying thing in the world for me. I guess it keeps you back away from the intersection and

Having a bigger gas tank does not solve your car's terrible MPG. It merely increases the distance you travel before needing to refuel again.

Perhaps, but if your aircraft has a hard landing coming in, or if it crashes outside the wire you have live ordinance you now need to go and recover. I don't think it is quite the same. Not to mention technical difficulties on your side of the communications. Not really quite the same as an airbag.

I do like how they covered up the undercarriage with the banners why hide anything on the vehicle if it is legit. They could have just as easily put the flags and banners up behind it, right?

It would make working on them a hell of a lot more difficult.

People have a right to the means of protecting themselves against idiots who decide to make a permeant action on a temporary problem. Mace, pepper spray, or a taser are similar kinds of self protection. There is no guaranty that the authorities will show up or hear about the problem before yours or your loved one's

I like this

Pshhh w/e you cant even order a Belgian waffle there...