Wiggle Puppy

IIRC, the driver is known to be too aggressive.  There’s other vids of him doing the same stuff mostly in the Neon, and then a few other cars.  I believe I learned all this from the YouTube comments, or from Reddit; it’s been a while.

How’s the aftermarket support?  Any tuners out there exploring the limits of the engine and drivetrain?

No description of Caz’s body.  Was he overweight?  Was he fit?  Was he soft and marshmallowy?

I hate it when I grieve the passing of a loved one and pop a boner at the same time.  Makes funerals awkward for the rest of the family.

They poop every 15 minutes, love showers, love jalapeños, can mimic microwave dings, love earrings, necklaces, jewelry, and can scream like nobody’s business.


I’m getting gassy just thinking aboot it.

Might not be great range now, but who knows what the future will bring?  The possibilities of swapping batteries, or purchasing better battery packs might be the way to go.

Looks like servicing the motor, or just tilting the cab, is going to be a lot of fun.

I came here to ask the same question.

370Z has all the torques you’ll need.

Came here for the Palo Alto.  I see it all the time and when the bow broke off during the storms of 2017, it made for some great pics.

The music is a boner-kill.

I don’t know if this has been answered yet or not but:

You can put your weed in there.

Looks like the passengers are sitting high enough to get kissed by the bumper of a Ford F250.

Still loading the “You don’t have to be straight, but you’re headlights need to” page after every video I watch.

I believe you, tough-guy.

I’m just going to do the right thing and pretend I didn’t see that.

OMG did you just assume their gender?