Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...
Here’s to hoping Dale follows in the footsteps of his distant cousin Chris and pitches ABC on a sting show where he arranges to meet white supremacists and nationalists he meets online...
I served in the military during the Vietnam war, and my foot hurt too, but I served anyway.
Forget your stories about the anthem, tell me what happened at band camp.
I could’ve made this comment on any of these articles but this one is fresh so I’m going to leave it here: I was in the band for five years at Alabama. We played the National Anthem during pregame. Do you know where both teams were when we were doing so? In the locker room getting ready for the game. Not even on the…
I’m more interested in the way she made it sound like 3 generations of her family fought in Vietnam.
But the thing is, she probably genuinely believes that it is. The same way that she genuinely believes that Jesus was 6'2" with blond hair and blue eyes.
(disclaimer because text: I am not mocking your question by posting the top of a Wiki article, it just does a much better job of summarizing than I could)
I’m not one to call some lady I’ve never met—or even heard of until now—a liar, but, umm...this:
yea, i mean isn’t a protest by definition doing something unpopular for a cause you believe in?
If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.
SLC is kinda cool if you like the outdoors and don’t need a nightlife or don’t drink hard liquor.
The Chicago Bears will skip fielding a competitive team.
Just a point of information about the upcoming UFC event; there are actually two fighters in the UFC named Dong Hyun Kim. One is nicknamed “Stun Gun,” fights at 170, and is pretty well-known. That’s not the guy who is fighting this weekend.
Durant heard that Jackson was winning the argument so he’s on his side now.
As an expert in the matter, I predict the NFL is going to punt on this.
People who achieve glory for Baylor deserve all the suffering that comes their way.
Robert Griffin is like that freshman in college who goes through 5 roommates his first semester because all of THEM are crazy.
You always start by addressing the biggest problem though. The red-headed stepchild, if you will.
We’re told Timmons had spoken with his baby mama who lives there and had told her he missed the baby and wanted to visit.
Wow, Oakland can’t even keep their Civil Rights attorneys from heading to Vegas.