I mean, Miami’s desperate, but a baseball player?
When they were testing the severity of Tannehill’s injury they decided to apply just a little pressure. He collapsed to the ground immediately. So everything seems normal to me.
You ever been to a bodega? You mind your own business regarding the hundred arguments a night there or else you might catch an avocado in the kisser.
Believe the victim! (unless the victim is telling you she isn’t a victim, then don’t trust her!)
Or he’s willing to take Katz, the alleged victim, at her word. Doesn’t seem too crazy to me...
What a joke... In an effort to protect women from sexual assault, oftentimes Title IX denies that they have any agency over their own decisions/actions. “Oh, he didn’t assault you? You’re just scared of him. We’ll kick him out of school just to be safe.”
He’s kinda like the Bible like that....
Racism, mostly.
I like this joke because I imagine somebody calling the Nuge a liberal.
Shut up you asshole! Those are liberals and that was free love, this is Pete Rose and that must have been gross.
Rose was quick to point out he never had sex with the teen aged daughters of fans of his own team.
It’s weird how common statutory rape was back in the day.
That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.
That totally makes sense, but Gottlieb was actually convicted of fraud. It’s at the top of his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doug_Gottlieb
A cursory search suggests that in 1996 he stole some credit cards from students at his college and used them for personal purchases. I may be getting some of the details wrong.
Maybe Beltre doesn’t want people touching his head cuz they can feel how much bigger its gotten since he took all those steroids. Stay woke, fokes
Give him a break, he’s just here to provide the white man’s perspective.