

I really wasn't planning to do another Terrible Customer Stories entry any time soon,

I don't want anything. It just popped into my head so I typed it. I tend to notice double standards. But you seem to be inordinately upset by my comment so I can say made it to personally annoy you if that's what you want.

Even the foreign waiter wouldn't want to eat all *that* bread...

...he save bread...?

i once saw a colonial woman on the wing of the airplane churning butter. no one believed me :)

When I was in Europe, selling monogrammed thermoses, THEY would cook my steaks for me until it was tender, no matter how long it took. Americans are so lazy sometimes.

Racist assholes in Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington county suburbs.

I tried too.

Ugh, I sure hope not (I can't think of her name off the top of my head either). I am seriously considering a move out of state if he wins again. I just can't put up with another four years of fuckery.

IOKIYAR, obvs.

I'm voting Burke in 2 hours to negate another god-botherer's vote for Governor "I Got Kicked Out of Catholic School". How people can be coerced into voting against their best interests is still the single most amazing thing about human beings I have ever learned.

I can't believe I fed the troll.

It's kind of sad how excited you people get about your trolling. "Oh boy, I'm going to run on the internet to visit a place I hate and pretend to be slightly dumber than I actually am so I can get some negative attention that I desperately need!"

I was there at 7:35 this morning negating her vote, so we'll be at a plus one. Internet high five!

Does she even go here?

Come on Wisconsinites, get out there, I beg you. Shut this whole thing down, because, if you don't, he's running for president next, and we're all screwed. Come on guys, DO IT, kick this dickberet out of office and preempt a state and national disaster.

I'm going to go ahead and hazard a guess. Madison.